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What to expect-MMI.

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The types of questions you can expect are the same as for a traditional interview. Naturally they will be a bit more specifc and focused (being poseted on a door, rather than interpreted by an interviewer). Generally the interviewer will have a couple of related follow-up questions of their own to ask afterwards. I prepared myself to answer a whole pile of standard interview questions and their variations, and don't recall noticing anything out of the ordinary in the MMI. But yes, they will ask you explicitly not to reveal any specific questions you were asked. Good luck!

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They are closed file, they know nothing about you.


Is anyone else finind this interview difficult to prepare for? I guess that is the point. :) No rehearsed answers.


I would LOVE any feedback from ppl who went through the MMI process at UofC last year, and how you would recommend preparing.



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Some people have replied in this thread: http://www.premed101.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19974


I know it's vague and cliched, but I honestly wouldn't (and didn't) prepare for the MMI any differently than for a traditional interview. The whole point is to try and get to know you as well as they can in a very limited amount of time, and judge how you, the applicant, fit in with the Non-cognitive Qualities (They) Look For (http://admissions.myweb.med.ucalgary.ca/NoncognitiveQualitiesWeLookFor.html). The best way to prepare to show the interviewers who you are is to think about who you are. I think flipping through a photo album is a legitimate way to prepare! Being able to talk about ethical issues isn't a bad idea either (Google "Bioethics For Clinicians" from the CMAJ if you want some material to think about).


I found that once I got into the rhythm of the stations, the natural stress and nervousness went away, and I hope you'll find that too. Like I said earlier, the one really unique feature of an MMI is that if you do have a station that you feel isn't your best, you can pick yourself up and absolutely nail the next one. Believe me, there was a station last year that I just did not handle well at all, but things still worked out in the end. What you don't want to do is start keeping score inside your head and get in a negative frame of mind if you stumble a bit.

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