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Housing in Vancouver for UBC

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They are nice, but I thought prices were fairly inflated, especially closer to campus. If it was me (and it might be soon... apparantly I'm at about 200th spot on the waitlist for a res appartment) I'd be looking a little further from campus, but close to the the B-line on broadway or one of the bus routes to campus as I thought they had a upass. I can't say much beyond that as I haven't been in Van or BC much in the last few years... hopefully someone in the area can comment further.


I had a friend in a 2 suite house by kits on about 2nd or third a few years ago that wasn't too outrageous monthy and apparantly the commute to campus was alright.

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hey guys,


anywhere close to broadway is good b/c theres a lot of bus service along that corridor, at all hours of the day and night. The fourth avenue corridor is nice as well, but slightly more "yuppy" and pricey since its only 4 blocks from the beach. The dunbar/mackenzie heights area where i live is quite nice, but a little less accessible by bus (at night at least). Housing prices in vancouver are ridiculously inflated; my buddy and I are having trouble finding a decent 2 BR suite for under 1200. On craigslist, I havent seen anything for 1 person thats decently close to UBC thats under 600 a month.


The farthest east from campus that I'd like to live is Macdonald. Granville and the Oak (van. general hospital area) are further east and busses can be slow along broadway around rush hour and take half an hour or more to make the trip.


I wouldnt recommend looking for places downtown as it'll be a pain going over the bridges to get to school, not to mention that its just a noisier area.


Housing prices go progressively lower as you head east, but so does the "niceness" of the neighbourhood. Feel free to ask me q's about the vancouver area, I've lived in greater vancouver my whole life, and been attending UBC for 3 years now.

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In my opinion, prices for vancouver accomodation are not inflated. It is much more expensive to live in vancouver than many other places in Canada. Real estate in vancouver is expensive. There is only so much room since we live by the sea. Anything to the west where ubc is, is more expensive because it is surrounded by water.

Rent on campus is very expensive. In the ubc village, rent ranges, however for a decent one bedroom goes for 11-1200 dollars a month, and a two bedroom is around 2000. For more affordable options, there are a lot of basement suites in the point grey, kits, and southlands areas of vancouver for under 1000 dollars more or less. Downtown vancouver is another option, and I have a few friends who live in the west end for 6-700 dollars, but they are older places.

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