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"Wow-like EC's"

Guest BlazinKhan

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Guest DancingDoc

Wow Zuckman, so wrong in my opinion.... That would never work on me! Try the opposite :b

Any girl will love an honest/sincere compliment (of course joking around is fun, but i know i prefer a nice guy over a jerk, believe me!)

(you guys all crack me up!!)

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Guest strider2004

Since I started this mess, I need to chime in.


Some people seem to be confusing nice-quiet, confident = jerk. Actually it's the guys that are confusing these things. As a self-proclaimed 'nice guy', I can say that they do win. However, I'm also pretty confident, but make a point not to screw anyone around.


Be nice, be outgoing. But most importantly, BE IN THE GAME!! Wallflowers don't win.

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Guest everyoneloveschem

It totally is about confidence isn't it?


I think ultimately women are looking for someone stable and happy with themselves, because they have the best long-term forecast, which woman want for themselves and any possible children.


It really does suck though when you find out about women (friends, whatever) who date jerks. Why? What could they possibly be getting out of it? And often you just can't open their eyes, they just won't ever see it, I guess because they lack the self confidence in themselves.


So nice guys, if it is so hard to meet nice women, is it because you are not assertive enough, or what? What is the psychology behind nice guys finish last?

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Guest MrNeuroscience

Talk about a thread hijack!


Nice guys run the gauntlet just like jerks, where you come out depends on what you put in (and how skillful you are at running ;) )


As for the original question... There is not one "single" EC that is better then any other. Take it from me, a person that has volunteered in a sub-sahara-African hospital and worked with Doctors in norther India, these activities hold no more presidence than my weekend job slinging beers in a bar.


Just do things that you enjoy... Admissions don't so much care about WHAT you did/do, but rather HOW it has affected you, how it has made an impact in your life, and how it has made you realize a little more about the world around you. Washing dishes for minimum wage to pay for your university books is just as important as volunteering in a soup kitchen, or wandering half way around the globe in an all-out-effort to save mankind (well, maybe not the last one...) Whatever your situation permits, do something important to you, that has meaning and that you can demonstrate has helped you along your path.


Use your time wisely, because you will quickly run out of it!

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Guest DancingDoc

everyoneloveschem, I think you've been closest....

Another hint, girls do like some attention like Jochi wimp apparently couldn't do (don't over do of course), make an effort to have a personality, nice guys do win (except for the random jerks which I still don't get, I think it's one of those things girls have to do just to learn that they are idiots for doing it, but some just never learn).....

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Guest try2dstress

this thread is awesome...it's a good reminder that we have something else in common other than applying for meds...


my two cents as a frustrated girl: guys that are nice...where are you hiding? why are you hiding? in all seriousness, i know that I like all the kind-hearted goodness i can get, but i've found that a lot of those guys don't make the first move. i'll take the initiative once in a while if i feel like if i don't i'm going to lose the guy to 'nice guy oblivion'. But the truth is that its pretty attractive when *you* put yourself out there and take the risk. try it, you may surprise yourself at the outcome. and the risk is worth it in the end if it works out isn't it?


i figure that if you're applying to med school with all this crazy competition then you already have guts. so if you take some of that energy and put it towards other things you just may find yourself a nice girl that appreciates all you have to offer.


i've dated my share of 'too jerky for me' guys that i know that nice guys is where it's at and i think a lot of girls are with me on this one.

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Guest mesoderm
Any girl will love an honest/sincere compliment (of course joking around is fun, but i know i prefer a nice guy over a jerk, believe me!)


That is true. But he said don't compliment at first, there is a difference.


Would you like an "honest/sincere compliment" from a guy you just met recently? How would any compliment be honest if he has just met you and doesn't even know much about you?



About being nice and being a jerk, think about it, girls do it too.


What do you girls do when you meet a guy you like that seems to be interested in you?


Yes, you play hard to get.


You don't accept all his dates, you pretend you are busy, in other words, you act like a jerk too! I'm not saying that's bad, I think that's a good idea, if you girls really like a guy, that's what you should do.


Sadly but true, nice guys (and girls) finish last.


Dating is a cruel game.

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Guest Zuckman

Hey guys,

Mesoderm has it down right. I might add that guys who are sorta jerky are just playin it hard. Guys that are too nice seem desperate and girls HATE desperation.


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Guest cedar05

Hey Zuckerman,


I think that your dating philosophy will only work on young girls! I believe that most females out there (and I am one) grow out of "want to date a jerk" stage in high school or 1/2 year or they never enter that stage at all. I know plenty if girls who are dating really nice guys. It sounds to me like you have a lot of growing up to do yourself.

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Guest Zuckman

Hey Cedar,

You're likely right about the young girls. I'm always dating girls around 22-25 and they seem to dig it. However, I still claim that if you're a 'jerk' in a fun way girls like it. 'Jerk' is probably the wrong word. It's more like poking fun and being a fun guy. I doubt any girl won't like that. Anyway...if you think I need growing up to do that's fine, no offense taken...I know myself very well and I'm a very mature guy.


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Guest DancingDoc

I agree Cedar, and Zuckman I know lots of 22-25 year old women with really nice, not jerks, boyfriends.


Man talk about dating 101 on here! I guess we need a distraction from premed anxiety? :P

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Guest cedar05
It's more like poking fun and being a fun guy. I doubt any girl won't like that.


This is true, but a guy can be a ton of fun without being a jerk!


You're likely right about the young girls. I'm always dating girls around 22-25 and they seem to dig it.


I am only 22 so I was actually thinking about girls younger than that but oh well .......


Anyhow it is silly to waste too much time on this topic as I am sure everyone feels differently about dating (especially girls and guys) so I guess good luck to everyone and hopefully you will find someone who appreciates your dating strategy

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Guest treehuggingbiologist
my two cents as a frustrated girl: guys that are nice...where are you hiding?




I have nothing further to add to this thread hijack - although I must admit this is great fun to read :)

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Guest BlazinKhan

:rollin ... I never imagined my thread would turn into this, although it really is fun reading about what everyone thinks about relationships and such. All I know is that if you'll figure out the cure to cancer before you figure out a woman (of course you can understand them to a certain extent, but never completely).

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Guest acarpent1



It perplexes me when guys talk about what "chicks like".. although.. I know you're probably just sharing your experience.. to help your fellow man.. so I thought I'd try to help you too.. since I am a big supporter of the genuinely "nice" guy.


First: most smart women don't like jerks.

Second: Being a "nice guy" isn't enough. Maybe you need to be more confident, maybe she feels smothered, maybe she feels like you're really not as nice as you think you are, or maybe she thinks you act like a suck (I know a lot of "nice" guys who spend all of their time sitting on their asses feeling sorry for themselves for not having a girlfriend.. and I love them.. but I just want to say, GET A PASSION, get interested in your own life, stop feeling sorry for yourself, and you WILL get a girlfriend, because under all of that baggage, you ARE a wonderful guy.. but NOBODY gets to see it!) , or maybe even though you are a nice guy.. you're "jerk" plan of action isn't letting that be shown, or maybe she just doesn't find you attractive, or maybe she's still in love with an ex, or maybe she just can't see herself in your future.. it's really not personal most of the time.. its a matter of taste and timing.. but being a "nice guy" doesn't get you off the hook for the other amazing qualities that men have!


Third: THIS- "Ya, I do the whole bad guy, jerk thing every now and then and chicks dig it. But there has to be a hint of niceness in the background. It's important to keep it subtle. Chicks love the cocky and funny attitude. Make fun of them in a fun way and they love it. Don't ever compliment them at first...that shows desperation. If you want a hot babe...keep her wondering...act like your talking to a regular joe and she'll keep wondering 'all the other guys think i'm hot but this guy shows nothing'. Trust me...works every time. "


Is probably only true for insecure girls who for whatever reason like to be jerked around. haha.. I have plenty of HOT, (and I actually mean really hot), successful, smart, fun, and funny (& self-respecting) friends who would laugh in your face if you acted like this.. girls DO like compliments.. but they have to be GENUINE.. and most of us can tell.. it doesn't show desperation, it shows that you have balls, and you think enough of yourself that you can recognize and compliment someone else on their awesomeness without getting scared or insecure about yourself.. keeping a hot, 'intelligent' woman interested has nothing to do with keeping her wondering.. that'll only keep her annoyed.. you want to keep her interested? Be honest. And I mean completely blatantly honest if you find yourself thinking "what she just said/did was amazing/kind/interesting/hot/beautiful/smart" and you blatantly say it.. THAT's hot. :evil


everyoneloveschem.. you have it! Confidence (without cockyness) and honesty etc.. everything you said.. THAT is what women want.. we want to be with someone great from the inside out who is secure enough with themselves to be comfortable and enthusiastic about US being outstanding too..


Zuck.. i hate to say.. you're wrong about a lot.. but.. you're right to say that girls don't like desperation.. the thing is.. there's a difference between being an amazing, genuinely nice guy, and a desperate guy.. desperate and nice are different.


ps.. if you really are a nice (albeit misinformed) guy.. then maybe you just need to meet some nice women who Really would appreciate you! Maybe.. Nice girls like nice guys.. you know? I could hook you up! :b


uh.. fourth.. There are nice girls.. nice hot smart exciting girls with depth and character who love nice guys.. the key is finding eachother.. because just as there are lots of jerks out there.. (ladies.. i know you can attest).. there's no denying that there are also lots of bitchy girls.


To the nice guys: Keep being nice! Even if it feels like it sucks now, in the long run, you'll end up with a gem who appreciates you! Same goes for the girls!

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Guest noncestvrai

To hijack the thread further, why do women med student seem to repel men? I've heard that around, but is it true? As a man, when I drop the M-bomb (which I try to avoid, but the subject comes pretty early usu), I get mixed reactions, but mostly good ones.


As a mod, I'm not setting an example...but hey, what are you going to do between 2 IVs...(study for the USMLE...?:P )


Care to take this one ladies?



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Guest Jochi1543
There are nice girls.. nice hot smart exciting girls with depth and character who love nice guys..


Yeah, and I have some pictures to show, too....oh wait.:P

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Guest everyoneloveschem

Noncestvrai, you want to know why women med students repel women or why you get mixed reactions?


As to why female med students might be repellant, well, sadly, because they are smart. It takes a pretty smart confident guy to want to date a women who is equally smart or smarter! Also, is there any tendency among female med students towards practicalities such as no makeup/less makeup/short hair/normal clothing, all of which don't necessarily boost their appearance the way long flowing locks, makeup and boob shirts do.


As to why you might get mixed reactions...either they're excited by your potential providing ability or they are dismayed because you are smart and will likely work very long hours (or are into gynecology, which has its own connotations).


I keep telling everyone that if I get in, I'm totally going to set up all my nice, smart female friends with nice, smart med students. I have to get in first, but hey its a nice thought, right?

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Guest try2dstress

Looks like everyone here has their own opinion on what guys/girls want. The only thing i know for sure is what *I* want. Why can't I seem to find it?! ...sigh....

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Guest DancingDoc

Hey noncestvrai,

I will *try* to take this one for you... As someone who hopes to eventually be a med student I don't agree that women med students usually repel men. Of many people I know in med or that are premed (and some of which have already been accepted) already have steady relationships. Maybe girls tend to get focused on studies in med and guys aren't the first thing on their list. If they are looking for a guy they probably want to know that the guy can stick through their long hours and crazy work schedule (and normally be doing so with longterm intentions).


As for the other part about mixed reactions to when you mention you are a med student to women... it probably is either:

1) Sweet! He's smart, goal-directed, probably not immature


2)Hm.... he probably won't have time for me, so this probably wouldn't work so why put myself through the trouble. (or maybe they are simply intimidated by it)


just my two cents....

and it is just my two cents (i'm sure everyone would answer this differently again, as seems to be the common trend here!!)

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Guest riDer

it seems like a double satndard to me that some girls who are meds students want a guy who can be understanding to their schedule and responsibilities as a doc and whne they meet a med guy there like " ahh honey you spend too much time studying and working and never have time for me" please!

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Guest superstorecanadian

I think this thread has turned into a dating advice thread :lol


It would be funny if there was a Lavalife section here somewhere :b

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Guest mesoderm
it seems like a double satndard to me that some girls who are meds students want a guy who can be understanding to their schedule and responsibilities as a doc and whne they meet a med guy there like " ahh honey you spend too much time studying and working and never have time for me" please!


Most girls seem to always want this and want that, in other words, they are more picky. No suprise there.

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