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What MCAT score should we be aiming for?


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I'm just wondering what MCAT score one should be aiming for, ie. the lowest one can get and still meet the cut-offs (but, obviously, the higher we get the better). I was under the impression that this was 32Q or so. But I've been hearing that it is more in the 30 range, can someone shed some light on this?

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I'm under the impression that 10/10/10/Q will get you in the door at most places, 11/10/11/Q is a little better. Ideally though, the higher the better. But try to aim for double digits in every section.


Pretty much what Kuantum said.


Just do your best... since your scores will likely fall within a certain range, aiming for say 10 10 10 Q might not be good, because you might hit your bottom range during the actual MCAT. I'd try to aim for a range where 10's are at the bottom of that range.

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