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Chance at American schools?


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Hi guys, whenever I look at the stats of Canadian applicants to the US, it seems like they have such great stats. I was wondering, for the rest of us mere mortals, do we still have a shot? Here's what I have:


GPA 3.8, MCAT: 32R

ECs: 1 Year ICU, 2 Summers Palleative Care, 1 Trip for Katrina Hurricane Relief, 1 Summer ER, created/managed a very large website (150,000 members, 500million hits, 3.5million posts), worked with Federal Government (Pension Clerk) for 3 summers and that is all.


Should I apply mostly to lower tier and mid tier? The Albanys, NYMC, RFU etc (good schools, but not by rep). Or do you think I also have a shot at the Dartmouths, Duke's, etc?



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Yeah, top 20 probably not gonna happen. You should also try for SUNY and Penn State. Go for mid-tier and low-tier. Nothing wrong with applying to 1-2 "dream" schools as long as you can afford it. But with a 32 MCAT and no research, it will be extremely tough.

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Yeah, top 20 probably not gonna happen. You should also try for SUNY and Penn State. Go for mid-tier and low-tier. Nothing wrong with applying to 1-2 "dream" schools as long as you can afford it. But with a 32 MCAT and no research, it will be extremely tough.


But a 32 with research experience gives you a good shot at mid/low tier schools?

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so how much research experience do you think would be enough to be considered in high ranking schools?

i have one summer research experience and that's it.

did a poster presentation, but no publication.

do you think that's enough?

i have a research assistant position this summer, but i'm applying in june,

so can't say too much about it (though I'll probably include it anyway).

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so how much research experience do you think would be enough to be considered in high ranking schools?

i have one summer research experience and that's it.

did a poster presentation, but no publication.

do you think that's enough?

i have a research assistant position this summer, but i'm applying in june,

so can't say too much about it (though I'll probably include it anyway).


I know a guy who did some research but nothing special and got a harvard interview. Not saying its easy, but its not the end of the world if you don't publish.

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Also, MSAR is the bible of US MD applications. I know a person with a low 30 mcat that was accepted into Dartmouth. They are more middle tier and generally look for well-rounded people overall. Your GPA is good and I wouldn't discourage you from applying at all, but what I would discourage is applying to a lot of top tiers and not so much middle/lower tier. For every top tier you apply to, apply to 2-3 middle/lower tier!

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I know a guy who did some research but nothing special and got a harvard interview. Not saying its easy, but its not the end of the world if you don't publish.


I don't know if you're referring to the same person a friend of mine knows (since you're from Queen's), but this person also has a very very very impressive musical background that trumps labwork/publications.

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I don't know if you're referring to the same person a friend of mine knows (since you're from Queen's), but this person also has a very very very impressive musical background that trumps labwork/publications.


I dont think this is the same person, but this guy I knew had a very very impressive EC list, not just involved but he also initiated a lot of groups and really made a difference.


What I meant to say is, you do need something special for Harvard; it just doesn't have to be publishing in Nature.

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