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Printer required/necessary for 1st yr?


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meh. I survived without one. Certainly it would be more convenient, but the cost just wasn't worth it to me. There are printers in the library (pay per use) as well as the med computer lab (free). I got by without printing either the embryo or histo slides - I guess it just depends on the individual. I just wanted you to know that you don't need to buy a printer.

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you definitely need a printer. As Bunny mentioned most of the embryology and histology slides need to be printed while the majority of our course notes are given to us.


Wow that's a good joke "given", you know how much you had to pay for these notes?


Aren't the slides also all on the web?



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JJ is quite aware of how much the notes cost. Since the notes replace having to buy a ton of textbooks I think they are a bargain.

I saw the other thread (Pourquoi McGill)

If you have nothing constructive to say and nothing useful to add to the thread, post elsewhere.

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No, I think I will post where I want, if you are not pleased, feel free not no read me. This is a discussion forum, and if you think I won't share my views and experience AND especially point the absurdities and abuse by McGill's Faculty of Medicine, you're in for a suprise.


This measure is clearly a way to disguise a tuition increase, and of course this is not the only example. I should have had the choice to opt out, not having to pay for this printing charge, but I did not, I may have wanted to read it off the web for instance.



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