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AMCAS science courses

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also....i plan to submit the rpimary by mid june....and then write mcat on july 10th...and then i guess results come in august...so i'll be able to submit scores then...what do u guys think?..good plan?....i understand this qn is asked a 1000 times but getting an answer personally makes a huge diff...


Mercedes-Benz W112

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psychology may be considered non-science at some schools. i used a letter from a psych prof as my non-science reference.


astronomy is science...i think. best is to ask the schools. at my univ, astronomy was under the physics department so it would count as science.


august is getting a little late. not too bad. getting everything done in july would be better. interviews start as early as september so if the only thing that's holding up your application is your MCAT score, then its not so bad.

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there is a PDF file somewhere on the AMCAS website that lists all the courses they consider sciences and all the ones that fall under non-science. As far as I remember psychology is not considered to be a science course (regardless of wether or not it is considered a science course at certain schools) and astronomy was definitely considered science. But if you want to be 100% sure I would find that PDF file on the AMCAS web. Best of luck :D

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