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Here you go:


Suite à votre demande d’admission à notre Faculté de médecine pour l’année 2008-2009, le Comité des admissions a maintenant complété l’étude de votre dossier.


Nous avons maintenant offert l’admission au volet francophone pour les trente-six candidat(e)s les plus haut placé(e)s sur la liste d’ordre séquentiel d’excellence.


Votre nom a été placé sur une liste d’attente. Cependant, je dois vous informer que, considérant votre rang sur cette liste, vos chances d’être admis(e) sont faibles.


Au fur et à mesure que les étudiant(e)s accepté(e)s refuseront nos offres, les sièges disponibles seront alors offerts aux candidat(e)s sur la liste d’attente selon un ordre de priorité établi par le Comité des admissions. Dans l’éventualité qu’un siège vous serait offert, vous en serez informé(e) soit par appel téléphonique ou par communication courrier électronique.


Les candidat(e)s dont le nom aura été placé sur la liste d’attente seront informé(e)s par courriel dès que la classe sera complète.


Nous vous rappelons qu’une fois établie, la séquence des noms sur la liste d’attente ne change pas. Toutefois, au fur et à mesure que des candidat(e)s sont admis(es) à partir de la liste d’attente, le numéro de la position sur la liste change. Pour cette raison veuillez vous abstenir de nous téléphoner pour connaître votre rang sur la liste car nous ne le donnerons pas.


Si vous recevez une offre d’admission (hors province), et vous désirez retirer votre nom de la compétition veuillez nous aviser par écrit ou par courrier électronique.

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Your application for admission to the Faculty of Medicine for the academic year 2008-2009 was carefully considered by the Admissions Committee. At the present time, offers have been made for admission in the Anglophone stream to the top one-hundred and seven (107) candidates on the list of excellence.


Your name has been placed on a waiting list. However, I must inform you, that, given your rank on this list, you are unlikely to receive an offer.


You will be notified by telephone or e-mail communication if your name appears at the top of the list, should a vacancy occur before September.


Candidates on the waiting list will be notified by e-mail as soon as the class is filled.


Although the sequential order of the waiting list does not change, rankings will change on a daily basis as students confirm acceptances. For this reason, candidates are requested not to call our office for their ranking position since this information cannot be given.


If you are offered admission to another medical school (outside the province) and wish to withdraw your name from our list, please advise us in writing or by e-mail.

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Can't wait to meet you all in August!!


For everyone on the waitlist, you've still got a great shot - I know it sucks having to wait longer, but don't give up - a lot of the class comes off the waitlist. Try to relax for a few weeks though, because it takes a bit for them to start calling.


Congrats again!! Ottawa is fantastic, I wouldn't want to go anywhere else!!

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I was waitlisted today. I am assuming it is the "good" waitlist because there is no "unlikely to be accepted" bit. Does anyone have any information about the waitlist at UofO? I have never been waitlisted anywhere before and I am curious as to when I might find out what position I am in and if everyone on the good list usually gets in. Thanks and congrats to those who have already been accepted!

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I was waitlisted today. I am assuming it is the "good" waitlist because there is no "unlikely to be accepted" bit. Does anyone have any information about the waitlist at UofO? I have never been waitlisted anywhere before and I am curious as to when I might find out what position I am in and if everyone on the good list usually gets in. Thanks and congrats to those who have already been accepted!


It wouldn't be for a few weeks at least - I think they wait until everyone's confirmations are in before they start calling the waitlist. I think it was about mid-late June last year they completely filled up the class, so I'd guess sometime between early and mid June - when it's full, they send a letter saying so. The forums from last year would probably give you a better idea of timing.


I wouldn't say everyone on the good waitlist gets in, but I think close to half the class comes from there, so there's still a good shot.


Everyone is ranked based on interview performance, which I'm told are scored at set intervals - ie 4.0, 3.75, 3.5, etc., then GPA is the tiebreaker.


They don't give out exact numbers, so I can't be any more specific, sorry!


Hope this helps!

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