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Finding if a school admits Canadian applicants with MSAR?

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I talked to AAMC and they said Canadians are not considered international students. So is there anyway to find out in the MSAR if a school accepts Canadian applicants are not aside from calling/emailing every single US school?


Also I know there is a list but I just want to make my own.



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the information may be available on the school's website. the FAQ section is a good place to start.


i dont think the MSAR lists any specifics with respect to canadian applicants.


if it's not on the website, then you have to call/email each school.

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I talked to AAMC and they said Canadians are not considered international students. So is there anyway to find out in the MSAR if a school accepts Canadian applicants are not aside from calling/emailing every single US school?


Also I know there is a list but I just want to make my own.




if Canadians are not international students... then what are we?

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Exactly what I wondered. So I asked her are we considered non-residents and she said no, you are residents but just residents of Canada... which seemed weird to me. I think we can be considered just out of state applicants, or non-state resident applicants.

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at a lot of schools we are considered internationals. However we are not disadvantaged like internationals because our educational backgrounds are more 'known' than other int'ls from countries abroad that apply. So the grim stats that you see don't really apply to us. Consider ourselves OOS without any financial aid.

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  • 2 weeks later...
at a lot of schools we are considered internationals. However we are not disadvantaged like internationals because our educational backgrounds are more 'known' than other int'ls from countries abroad that apply. So the grim stats that you see don't really apply to us. Consider ourselves OOS without any financial aid.


Canadian students get a special status.


In the application procedure, we are recognized as out-of-state applicants (by schools that accept international students) because we are so close geographically and socially to the US. US schools recognize Canadian universities and degrees. I think this is because Canadian medical schools are LCME accredited, just like US MD schools. This leads them to believe that Canadian schools are the same caliber as US schools, even at the undergraduate level.


(When a school says that they accept international students, it basically just means Canadian students. In my experience, I haven't seen any students in US med schools who don't have either US or Canadian citizenship.)


Once you get an interview and/or are accepted, you become an international student again. Meaning, you don't get any financial aid and have to go through the immigration hassles.



SLU, Class of 2010

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