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FAQ: What are my chances?

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Hey Guys,


I just redid my mcat and was wondering if I could get some advice on my chances for the upcoming cycle. I am going into my fourth year (I am a rural Northern Ontario student). I didn't do as well as I would have liked on my rewrite so I am a little bummed and wondering if I actually have a good chance this year.


MCAT: 28R (9PS 9VR 10BS)


Overall cGPA: 3.85 (1st year=3.87, 2nd year=3.87, 3rd year=3.81)

Overal wGPA: 3.84 (I calculated my wGPA based on Ottawa's formula)

gpa according to Toronto: (3.93)


My Autobiographical sketch includes:

-NSERC grant

-Science representative of university student union for 2 years

-Worked as a research assistant for my university biology professor

-writing an ecology paper- submitting soon

-Volunteered for Retirement home last summer

-Various scholarships in high school and university

-Published an essay in a book (scholarship award in high school)

-Member of an anti-smoking group in highschool (worked with my local health unit to set up events about smoking, etc)

-Member of various university committees (senate committee, curriculum committee)

-Vice President of university history club for 2 years

-Tutored Highschool and university students in science and math

-Respite care for a disabled child

-10 day Medical camp in Grenada (not sure if I should add this or not- I did get to learn how to suture on cadavers which was pretty neat!)

-Was a part of numerous recruitment events for my university (was filmed in a video, went to the Ontario University Fair, etc.)

-Going on exchange for a semester in England this fall

-Volunteering with Biology Professor

-Coordinated a cancer drive

-Recreational Dancing throughout high school

-Working on a microbiology paper (submitting to Nature) but we won't get all of the results in until early next year :(


I did other stuff too but these are the main things. I didn't want to bore people too much


Any advice would be much appreciated!


Thanks in advance

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Haha I told my prof that I want to submit to Nature a week before apps are due, just so I can put a Nature submission down before the impending rejection comes.


If your supervisor thinks there's even the slighest chance of it actually getting accepted in Nature, then I'm sure it's a decent project and it'll get accepted somewhere!


Also, you said you got a 28 on the MCAT, but what were your AAMC practice tests marks like? That's about where I'm at right now, and I'd reeeeally like to boost it to a 30.


haha that would be depressing though in the interview when you have to tell them that it was rejected! My aamc practice tests gradually increased as I got closer to the test. In the last couple of weeks I was at a solid 30 (10 in each section) so that's why I was surprised when I got my marks back. I'm a little depressed lol

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So i was wondering what the thoughts were on my chances...

Quoted at a 3.9 GPA at the UofA last year on my application with a 36O MCAT (13BS12PS11VR, I know my writing sample sucked!:( ). I think my activities section brought me down last year but I have been doing some things over the past while to try and boost that such as volunteering in an ICU, doing first aid, volunteering in a lab, doing some coaching with football teams, etc.

Last year I was rejected post interview at the UofA, so I hope that with some work i might make it next year!


Anyways, thanks for any opinions! Anything can help!

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I was wondering if I should apply this year. I am currently going into 3rd year.


4.0 gap

Writing mcat in 2 days (I've gotten 35-37 on the aamcs)


ECs: nserc this summer, volunteering at a hospital for 200 hours and sporadic volunteering with canadian blood services.


I'm looking to apply at Mac uottawa and u of t.


I feel my ecs are lacking.

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Hi, thanks to the responses to my previous post on this thread. I'm updating my stats since I have a new MCAT score. What are my chances?


I'm Alberta resident. Going into my fourth year in the fall.


My GPA for UofCalgary and UofAlberta are:

1st year: 3.88 (full courseload)

2nd year: 3.67 (full courseload)

3rd year: 3.97 (full courseload)

After dropping my worst year, my GPA is 3.93



1st yr: 3.83

2nd yr: 3.66

3rd yr: 3.91

If I qualify for UofT formula, my UofT wGPA should be ~3.90.

My best two year OMSAS GPA is 3.87.


most recent MCAT VR 11 PS 10 BS 12 WS Q

past MCAT VR 9 PS 12 BS 10 WS N



-1~3yr 4 executive positions in 3 university clubs

-long term (>600hr) volunteering at local hospital

-1 summer+1 fall/winter two research positions, no publication

-1 yr minor student government involvement

-3 yrs university music ensemble

- less than a month just started volunteering for AIDS advocacy organization and distress centre


Thanks again!

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As a third year student AND out of province, I don't think your chances would be very high in Ontario right now. It might still be worth it to apply and see, but for the most part third year OOP students getting in are 3.9+ and have crazy EC's/MCATs. However, you have a strong GPA and if you can keep a good GPA in your 4th year and with your good MCAT score, I would say U of T, Western, Mac and Uottawa (depending on your weighted GPA) are all a possibility.

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Hi, thanks to the responses to my previous post on this thread. I'm updating my stats since I have a new MCAT score. What are my chances?


I'm Alberta resident. Going into my fourth year in the fall.


My GPA for UofCalgary and UofAlberta are:

1st year: 3.88 (full courseload)

2nd year: 3.67 (full courseload)

3rd year: 3.97 (full courseload)

After dropping my worst year, my GPA is 3.93



1st yr: 3.83

2nd yr: 3.66

3rd yr: 3.91

If I qualify for UofT formula, my UofT wGPA should be ~3.90.

My best two year OMSAS GPA is 3.87.


most recent MCAT VR 11 PS 10 BS 12 WS Q

past MCAT VR 9 PS 12 BS 10 WS N



-1~3yr 4 executive positions in 3 university clubs

-long term (>600hr) volunteering at local hospital

-1 summer+1 fall/winter two research positions, no publication

-1 yr minor student government involvement

-3 yrs university music ensemble

- less than a month just started volunteering for AIDS advocacy organization and distress centre


Thanks again!


I think you'll do fine in Ontario. You definitely have good chances at UWO and Queens. UT very possible as well. Mac maybe. I think you might be low for Ottawa. NOSM, well depends on your rural status.


And for OOP I suggest Dal as well. Since you are IP for Alberta I think your overall chances in Canada are very good.

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Are they going to throw my app out the window or do I have any chance?


Applying to: UofA, UofC


4th year UofA functional materials engineering

3.92 cGPA

28T (9PS, 8VR, 11BS, T)

1 summer research, hospital guide for 2 yrs, won a few engg awards,

engg club exec, taught Russian for 2 yrs, some volunteering with salvation army and blood services




IP at U of A and you have a great chance. Your GPA is above average, and your writing score is very impressive. Your personal activities are around average. The only down side is your BS/PS/VR which is lower than average; in the end though this won't ruin you and you should get an interview at the University of Alberta


U of C is a little less certain, your GPA is good, but your Verbal Reasoning (which U of C only looks at), is somewhat low (the mean for the 2010/2011 cycle was 9.74). Your EC's are average, so it's worth a shot to apply here, and I'd say your chances of interview are good (but not as good as at U of A). Good luck!

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Hi everyone,

It would be much appreciated if someone could chance me. I am an Alberta resident and am wondering if I have a chance at any of the Ontario schools?


cGPA for UofC med (10 courses each year)




Summer directed studies (equivalent to 2 courses) 90%

I am finishing up my degree this year and only have electives left (should be a GPA booster)



Initiated and ran premed club at my university (2 yrs at 8hrs/week)

1.5 years as research assistant on campus, cancer related project (related with that summer directed studies, no publication)

Past summer (full time) and am currently working part time as clinical research assistant at Cancer Clinic/hospital (2 publications on the way, but not for this application cycle)

ICU hospital volunteer (5 yrs 450 hrs)

15,000-18,000 in awards/scholarships depending how you look at it

Boy scouts leader (3yrs 400hrs)

3 week long humanitarian trip (not medically related though)

50 hrs as first aid attendant volunteer

50hrs as dental assistant volunteer at dental clinic for the homeless

2 marathons + 1 triathlon for fun!


Should I just stick with Alberta, or are there Ontario schools that I should consider? Also, if I don’t get in this year, what should I improve to make myself more competitive for out east?


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Hi everyone,

It would be much appreciated if someone could chance me. I am an Alberta resident and am wondering if I have a chance at any of the Ontario schools?


cGPA for UofC med (10 courses each year)




Summer directed studies (equivalent to 2 courses) 90%

I am finishing up my degree this year and only have electives left (should be a GPA booster)



Initiated and ran premed club at my university (2 yrs at 8hrs/week)

1.5 years as research assistant on campus, cancer related project (related with that summer directed studies, no publication)

Past summer (full time) and am currently working part time as clinical research assistant at Cancer Clinic/hospital (2 publications on the way, but not for this application cycle)

ICU hospital volunteer (5 yrs 450 hrs)

15,000-18,000 in awards/scholarships depending how you look at it

Boy scouts leader (3yrs 400hrs)

3 week long humanitarian trip (not medically related though)

50 hrs as first aid attendant volunteer

50hrs as dental assistant volunteer at dental clinic for the homeless

2 marathons + 1 triathlon for fun!


Should I just stick with Alberta, or are there Ontario schools that I should consider? Also, if I don’t get in this year, what should I improve to make myself more competitive for out east?



Oh yea, sorry about that, MCAT is 30(10,10,10)N

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Oh yea, sorry about that, MCAT is 30(10,10,10)N


Your ECs are great, but your GPA and MCAT (Because of the N in the writing sample) will hold you back. Your chances aren't great for Ontario schools (And you don't meet Queen's or Westerns writing cutoff), but I'd probably apply anyways to the schools that you can, as you have a good enough chance that it would be worth the time/money invested to apply.

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Are they going to throw my app out the window or do I have any chance?


Applying to: UofA, UofC


4th year UofA functional materials engineering

3.92 cGPA

28T (9PS, 8VR, 11BS, T)

1 summer research, hospital guide for 2 yrs, won a few engg awards,

engg club exec, taught Russian for 2 yrs, some volunteering with salvation army and blood services




You should apply to Ottawa and McGill as well because they don't care about the MCAT. UofT and Saskatchewan definitely possible.

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Hi everyone,

It would be much appreciated if someone could chance me. I am an Alberta resident and am wondering if I have a chance at any of the Ontario schools?


cGPA for UofC med (10 courses each year)




Summer directed studies (equivalent to 2 courses) 90%

I am finishing up my degree this year and only have electives left (should be a GPA booster)



Initiated and ran premed club at my university (2 yrs at 8hrs/week)

1.5 years as research assistant on campus, cancer related project (related with that summer directed studies, no publication)

Past summer (full time) and am currently working part time as clinical research assistant at Cancer Clinic/hospital (2 publications on the way, but not for this application cycle)

ICU hospital volunteer (5 yrs 450 hrs)

15,000-18,000 in awards/scholarships depending how you look at it

Boy scouts leader (3yrs 400hrs)

3 week long humanitarian trip (not medically related though)

50 hrs as first aid attendant volunteer

50hrs as dental assistant volunteer at dental clinic for the homeless

2 marathons + 1 triathlon for fun!


Should I just stick with Alberta, or are there Ontario schools that I should consider? Also, if I don’t get in this year, what should I improve to make myself more competitive for out east?



I hate to say this but as impressive as your EC is your GPA won't do it for any of the Ontario schools. There is a possibility for NOSM but then again that depends on your geography.

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