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Guest happyshortie

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Guest happyshortie



I'm just wondering whether I can start an elective or something along that line this summer. I was planning on taking the mcat so I only got a part time job. By some miracle, I got in. So now I'm stuck with SO MUCH TIME and is EXTREMELY BORED! Any recommendations would be much appreciated!





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Guest McMastergirl

I would advise strongly against it. There have to be a million billion things you could do this summer that you won't have time for once in med school. Trust me, this time is precious, and you shouldn't waste it! Travel, read fiction, learn a new skill, get in shape, visit friends and family, get your finances in order... ANYTHING but medicine. Trust me, there will be time enough for electives once you start school.

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Guest ploughboy


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You've had your acceptance less than a week and you already want to do an elective? Woah, you're hardcore!


I'm not a med student yet (drat the waitlist), but I strongly agree with McMastergirl. Enjoy your summer! It might be the last completely free summer you ever get.


Go back-packing in Europe, buy a new bike and circumnavigate one of the Great Lakes, check-off every position in the Kama Sutra, work on your golf swing, join the circus, ride horses every day, film a short doc on truck-stop culture, get your pilot's licence, sleep, learn to tango, make a pilgrimage to Graceland, go fishing, the possibilities are endless...


Seriously - you've worked long and hard to get to where you are, and you owe it to yourself to take a break before you start on the next phase of your life. Congrats on your acceptance, and enjoy your summer!


An elective - sheesh! ;-)





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Guest happyshortie

Lol guys...thanks for your responses. I'm pretty much stuck with the job until end of July which means no vacations until August. Hmph...gotta go find some fun hobbies to do now. It has been a tough 3 years but it was so packed with work & what not that I'm confused now when I have too much time on my hand. Even if you go out with friends, you get saturated too from the same outings & conversations...so I was thinking of electives, something more productive & interesting. Anyhow, I take your advice...back to finding hobbies & more going out.






Oh yeah, and good luck with the waitlist. I heard it moves fast once June 14th hits.

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