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Smart Phone?

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I had a Windows Mobile 6 phone previously, and it seemed to be supported by everything (PEPID, LexiComp, UpToDate, Skyscape, etc.). I liked PEPID as a program overall, though it was a little buggy.


Now I have an iPhone. Skyscape seems to be the only thing that works as a full system, and it runs well. You can get a lot of different titles, including Pocket Medicine, 5-minute clinical consult, and some bundles of clinical info + drug info + medical calculators + DDx tools for a decent price (though only on a one year's subscription). Epocrates' drug tool is good for drug interactions and pill finding (by a patient's description - "the triangular yellow pill"), but since it's not integrated into Skyscape, I tend to not use it too much. Also, it's a bit slow to load up. PEPID claims to be working on their iPhone platform, but as of a few weeks ago, it wasn't up. You can get UTD on the iPhone, but only on an internet browser (i.e. like you would on a regular computer). It's not that useful when you're in the bowels of the hospital and have no cell phone service/internet access.

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I've thought about whether I should get an iPhone too. I really want to put it off for as long as I can, because every time I receive an email or some other message, it does distract me. There was a study showing that checking your email breaks your train of thought, where you need at least 5-10 seconds just to remember what you were trying to do *before* you checked your email. For students, that distractions is not really ideal.

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