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2008 Mmi

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I would also like a PM of the questions too :)




Did anybody take Phil 386 (ethics of healthcare) and found that it was similar to the style of questions asked in the interview. I took that class last semester and was wondering if it would be worth my time to read up on my ethical theories.


Being that the MMI likely asks what you would do in a given situation, could you respond by talking about a Kantian vs Utiliarianism perspective and then narrow down your decisions factoring in those ethical theories?

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How about instead of one person PM'ing all of those wanting MMI questions, we just come up with some, or put ones we have heard on the thread. Here is one I heard recently:


A small plane crashes on an Island. THere are 3 survivors, a heavy duty mechanic, pilot, and pregnant woman. The plane is not completely destroyed. There is enough water to keep only two people alive for a short time. Who should get the water and why?

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That seems like a trick question...


Does the pregnant woman have any uses other than being pregnant?? (since I notice they mention the professions of the other two but not of the pregnant woman)


And also, they're not counting the fetus as a survivor are they? In which case, the woman could be the pilot AND the pregnant woman...so then really there are just the two survivors and the fetus.


I would say the mechanic and the pilot so they can fix the plan and get the heck out of there...if they keep the pregnant woman alive they will all be stuck there and die. Is there another answer to this???:confused:

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How about instead of one person PM'ing all of those wanting MMI questions, we just come up with some, or put ones we have heard on the thread. Here is one I heard recently:


A small plane crashes on an Island. THere are 3 survivors, a heavy duty mechanic, pilot, and pregnant woman. The plane is not completely destroyed. There is enough water to keep only two people alive for a short time. Who should get the water and why?


Ooo thats a rough one....



Here's another one I've heard:

You're a rural GP and also on the board of directors for a new Emergency Ward wing in a local hospital. You and the board have just set new rules for the ER saying that patients will be treated according to priority cases, not on a first-come-first-serve basis.


One of your patients as a GP is an elderly man with a history of heart/cardio problems. He has a heart attack and is rushed to the hospital, and you happen to be working at the ER that night when he arrives. You realize he will not be a "high priority" case compared to others (i.e., car accident victims, etc.), so he will not be treated quickly and most likely could die. What do you do - follow the rules you helped make for the ER or break them and treat him anyways?


(p.s: this wasn't actually used in an MMI, it was brought up by an ethics professor who teachs ethics in medicine at UWO).

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