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I want the opinion of current med school students (especially those that applied more than once)


I am inI got rejects from all the schools I applied to (Uof C, queens,Mac and Ottawa, but still waiting on U ot T


These are my stats:

currently in 4th year

omsas gpa:3.56 (1st and 2nd years were above 3.7. In my third year, had a C in one course, and brought my 3rd year gpa to 3.2)

mcat : 11/10/7/O (PS/BS/VS)


I don't want to do a Masters. Would you guys advise doing a 5th year (or just take a year off?)



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Your GPA is unfortunately going to hold you back from most schools (Ottawa, Western, Queens) - Toronto you should be ok because you can drop the course. You need to rewrite your MCAT and get at least 10 10 10, but these days to be safe 11 11 11 R is what you should really aim for. To fix your GPA, take a special year, but be sure to consult with the schools on it because for example UWO is very particular about how you do your 5th year.


Hope this helps.

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I'm in the exact same position as you, I'm so confused and discouraged. I got rejected from mac, ottawa, northern, calgary, and i'm waiting on toronto, which doesn't feel very promising.


I have cGPA of 3.77. In my first year I had a 3.84 and 3.86 in my second, but in my third year I had a car accident which completely put me out of commission. I still went back to school against my doc's advice, and got a 3.61.


I guess I have to re-write my mcats, (11/11/7v/S) and try again.


But I have no clue what I'm gonna do after I graduate?... can't catch a freggin' break..

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Hey guys,


Just so you know theres someone worse off... I have a cGPA of 3.88 (wGPA of 3.83 by Ottawa) and I finished an MSc in Evolutionary biology this year. I have been rejected from Queens, Ottawa, Mac and now northern. So as for taking a fifth year over a masters yes becuase having my masters has not helped me at all, focus on your gpa. Definately need to bring up your verbal on the mcat. Waiting on U of T...

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what WHO are you guys talking about, would you have more information on that? (I would be interested), could someone PM me a link or guide me as to how I can participate in such a program. Thanks so much!


Yeah that does sound interesting - what is WHO - the world health organization? :)


too many TLA in this world.

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I'm in the exact same position as you, I'm so confused and discouraged. I got rejected from mac, ottawa, northern, calgary, and i'm waiting on toronto, which doesn't feel very promising.


I have cGPA of 3.77. In my first year I had a 3.84 and 3.86 in my second, but in my third year I had a car accident which completely put me out of commission. I still went back to school against my doc's advice, and got a 3.61.


I guess I have to re-write my mcats, (11/11/7v/S) and try again.


But I have no clue what I'm gonna do after I graduate?... can't catch a freggin' break..

saabster27: this reply is more directed to you because you don't seem to be debating an extra year. I went through a batch of rejections last year too and I know it's hard. Your GPA will be set once your graduate, so the other factors that are in your control will be: MCAT, references, and sketch. In my opinion your plan of action should look something like this:

1. Start working on verbal reasoning skills and reading comprehension. Even if U of T pans out this won't be a waste of time because being a more efficient reader never hurt anyone, right?

2. Are your references strong? If not you should find a summer job/volunteer position where you can get a strong reference.

3. Doing number 2. will help strengthen your sketch, so it's a win win as far as I see it!

This is just my opinion, so take it with a grain of salt. If you asked 10 people you'd probably hear 10 different suggestions. I followed this plan last summer and it's helped me get a few interviews this year. Good luck!

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I'm in the exact same position as you, I'm so confused and discouraged. I got rejected from mac, ottawa, northern, calgary, and i'm waiting on toronto, which doesn't feel very promising.


I have cGPA of 3.77. In my first year I had a 3.84 and 3.86 in my second, but in my third year I had a car accident which completely put me out of commission. I still went back to school against my doc's advice, and got a 3.61.


I guess I have to re-write my mcats, (11/11/7v/S) and try again.


But I have no clue what I'm gonna do after I graduate?... can't catch a freggin' break..



I am in almost the same position as you and the original poster. My MCAT is a woeful 11/6/10 R (PS,VR,BS) but my cGPA (over 3 years) is okay by most standard (3.82). I definitely don't want to do a masters and I won't know what to do once i get my rejection letter from UofT. I'm thinking of going abroad to volunteer and deifinitely going to re-write my mcat so I hcan hopefully boost my scores and apply to american med schools.

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