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UWO Interviews

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Not trying to start a fight. But the forum rules are that you are not allow to advertise if you are involved with the business. ppl were just getting suspicious about your post (being new and all of your posts were about this program)...


Fine. I'm not new to the forum, and I'll "advertise" for them. I like to call it a testimonial though... but whatever.


I bought the Top Star Guide a week ago, and I find it pretty useful. It's very long and comprehensive, so if you have time to read through 30 or so pages it is helpful. It basicallly does the research for you regarding the CDA interview style and what they are looking for. It makes sense and is consistent with my research I've done. There a lot of extra information taht I didn't find.. maybe you could on your own though?


I have yet to get through it all, but I its already raised some things I'm thinking about as I prepare for my interview. The example quesitons are bonus.


As for Elite interview. I'm not sure, I know 2 people i know at UofT recommended it to me. But they both got in.. so who knows... I'm signed up for the course on the 21st.. Hopefully Ill be able to make that.. just 150$ is a lot!! haha

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You like to start fight, I wasn't directing that comment towards you, It was referring to UTD, who only had 5 posts, and 4 of the five have the same generic posting regarding a local company, it was kind of suspicious that way as Human Instinct pointed out. I don't really care if you want to write testimonials for anyone, but there are lots of programs and books out there, having 80% of the posts being generic and promoting a same company makes you wonder! It was directed to UTD, not you!


Well good for you that you signed up. Good luck on your interview.



Fine. I'm not new to the forum, and I'll "advertise" for them. I like to call it a testimonial though... but whatever.


I bought the Top Star Guide a week ago, and I find it pretty useful. It's very long and comprehensive, so if you have time to read through 30 or so pages it is helpful. It basicallly does the research for you regarding the CDA interview style and what they are looking for. It makes sense and is consistent with my research I've done. There a lot of extra information taht I didn't find.. maybe you could on your own though?


I have yet to get through it all, but I its already raised some things I'm thinking about as I prepare for my interview. The example quesitons are bonus.


As for Elite interview. I'm not sure, I know 2 people i know at UofT recommended it to me. But they both got in.. so who knows... I'm signed up for the course on the 21st.. Hopefully Ill be able to make that.. just 150$ is a lot!! haha


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Is this course being offered in the west coast by any chance?


Elite interview isnt. it says taht on their site: eliteinterview.com .


but Top Star Interview guide can be bought anywhere.. and it is delivered electronically (via pdf) so it is quick to receive.. and no shipping costs..

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Anyone wanna switch to an 11am timeslot in exchange for an afternoon time on Sunday April 5? I'm going to be cutting it close with travel and such, but I should be okay. Just wanted to get a little extra breathing room and was wondering if anyone might be interested in getting their interview over with before lunch time :P

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Elite interview isnt. it says taht on their site: eliteinterview.com .


but Top Star Interview guide can be bought anywhere.. and it is delivered electronically (via pdf) so it is quick to receive.. and no shipping costs..


did your file download immediately?

i'm having problems downloading it - it says there's some sort of internal server error...

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I am having the same problem as you! I just paid for it, and I'm getting that internal server error as well. I hope it works soon!


mine downloaded fine. but if you are having a problem. I would suggest you e-mail them back and ask for them to resend it... I e-mailed them a few times before I bought mine, and all their responses were within 24 hours and they seemed patient enough.. so they have a decent response time.

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Hahaha I wrote the book and the yearly "sales" won't even cover 1/3 of my tuition so nice try.


The server was down for a bit as there was a ton of you trying to download the massive pdf files at once but my web developer has told me it's fixed.


Good luck to everyone.


Interview books still for sale email me:cdainterviewbook@hotmail.com


does it even cover anywhere close to 1/3 of your tuition? That's a lot of revenue.. lol.... I can't imagine you making that much from 40$ books...

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does it even cover anywhere close to 1/3 of your tuition? That's a lot of revenue.. lol.... I can't imagine you making that much from 40$ books...


well i'd imagine that since it is an e-book they don't have to pay printing costs, or have any kind of office to store the books, or hire a staff. they really only have to pay to maintain the website. very low overhead. it's a pretty smart way to make money, i applaud you!


ps I also bought this book, i think it's awesome.

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hey all...

so I have recently received an interview from UWO...I have been lurking around here and have noticed CDA interview book being sold here. I was wondering which of the two books ppl are buying considering that I wont have time to read both...the Top Star Interview Success Guide or the Mock Interview Guide...I am just looking for practice of the questions since my problem is that I find it hard to think on the spot....so which book is more popular?



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Thanks for the kind words man. The reason it's an ebook is for instant delivery. Let's face it Canada is huge and getting stuff delivered anywhere takes forever, I can't count the number of times I've found a supplemental hardcopy book online or in a library somewhere that I wanted to use to study for an exam only to realize I wouldn't get it until after the exam.


I don't wanna get all philosophical or anything but the whole idea this ties in well with a "new" idea at Dal dentistry and that is to give back to the profession that's given so much to you. At Dal the dean is known with meeting with graduating 4th yrs to ask that they consider giving something back such as teach at the school 1/2 day a week or 1 day a month, put on CE classes, do missions abroad, lobby governments for more oral health resources - something. When you get in and start going through the program you'll realize it more so. People complain that there's a cost attached to it, but there's a cost attached to everything nothing in this world is free - at least nothing I've ever gotten that's worth anything.


There's my 1/2 drunken St Patty's day 2 cents. You're in a lucky spot to even be in the position to apply to dental school. If you get in - one good turn deserves another. People helped me get in with suggestions, tips etc I took it a step further in compiling it and wrote it up, eventually someone else will take it further and we'll benefit from our own success and hard work as a profession should.



Interview books still for sale email me: cdainterviewbook@hotmail.com



well said.

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hey all...

so I have recently received an interview from UWO...I have been lurking around here and have noticed CDA interview book being sold here. I was wondering which of the two books ppl are buying considering that I wont have time to read both...the Top Star Interview Success Guide or the Mock Interview Guide...I am just looking for practice of the questions since my problem is that I find it hard to think on the spot....so which book is more popular?




Did you get off the waitlist and if so, would you mine posting your stats so I can have some idea of where I stand.



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Did you get off the waitlist and if so, would you mine posting your stats so I can have some idea of where I stand.




I'm in the same boat as you! im on the waitlist and still waiting, i think im getting close. ive got an 84.0% average for best 2 years.


is anyone else out there waiting for an interview? if so, what are your stats?

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I'm in the same boat as you! im on the waitlist and still waiting, i think im getting close. ive got an 84.0% average for best 2 years.


is anyone else out there waiting for an interview? if so, what are your stats?

i received an interview. (not sure if you meant people waiting to do the interview or people on the waitlist) i have a 4.0 gpa over 2 years

dat was

26 chem

18 bio :(

20 science total

22 academic average

20 PAT

11 carving (stupid carving i did the best i could and it still sucked!)

21 RC


EDITED March 25

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i received an interview right now. (not sure if you meant people waiting to do the interview or people on the waitlist) i have a 4.0 gpa over 2 years

dat was

26 chem

18 bio :(

20 science total

22 academic average

20 PAT

11 carving (stupid carving i did the best i could and it still sucked!)


whoah, those are pretty good stats, how is it you didn't get a first round interview invite? unless your RC was low, but i don't see how it would be given that your TS is 20 but AA is 22

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i received an interview right now. (not sure if you meant people waiting to do the interview or people on the waitlist) i have a 4.0 gpa over 2 years

dat was

26 chem

18 bio :(

20 science total

22 academic average

20 PAT

11 carving (stupid carving i did the best i could and it still sucked!)


yeah, those are ridiculous stats. all you need was an 18 RC... and if oyu have a 4.0 gpa, that means you have a 90+ average, which is amazing, so how did you only get an interview off the waitlist?

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No, Im currently finishing up 2nd year.


Sorry about my post I know its confusing. What happened was at first I put "im waiting on an interview" to respond to dentshopeful's post. Then I realized that he mightve been asking people who had been waitlisted so I had to change my wording but unfortunately I changed it to something even more confusing! I was trying to put "i received my interview already" kind of thing but worded it poorly.


I received my letter I think a little more than a week into march. Possibly a week and a half.

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Maybe his/her 4.0 is based on 2 years with only 4 credits each which gets penalized, other thing could be he/she is only second year or third year. is it the case Dentist89?


see post below yours, sorry for the confusion!


i took 30 credits each year, which is the equivalent at my school to 5 full year courses so 5 credits.


Yes Im 2nd year, so I dont get that nice degree bonus that a lot of you get! haha :D

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