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Do you smoke Marijuana?

Do you smoke marijuana?  

2 members have voted

  1. 1. Do you smoke marijuana?

    • Yes, it is great.
    • Yes, but only for social reasons.
    • No, but maybe in the future.
    • No, never.

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As of yet, there hasn't been anything proven, but who knows - with disorders like schizophrenia we know relatively very little about the etiology. I'm sorry about your friend deeman.


Clinically speaking theres nothing wrong with weed. But from personal experience I wouldn't do it. My friend became schizophrenic after smoking too much. Although he was susceptible to schiz to start with.


I work at a clinic that regularly prescribes marijuana to patients - it does seem to improve QOL IMO, at least qualitatively.

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If anyone's interested...lol. You'll need to have access to get the article. It has a proposed mechanism for initiating onset of Bipolar Disorders - apparently there's could be an actual reason for your friend NewfieMike..related to disruption of the endocanniboid and dopamine neurotransmitter systems.


Its an interesting read anyways (at least I thought so lol).

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Meh, to each their own I guess. I don't smoke since I'm an athlete and I hate the idea of putting anything destructive into my lungs.


But I have a lot of friends that smoke on a regular basis.


Nothing destructive about it physically speaking. I was very disappointed when my neuropsych prof told me this! I was like "damn, so why the hell ain't I burning a spliff right now?" He's like "I don't know, as long as you don't drive or something its safer than alcohol". :confused:


Oh wait he told me one bad thing that happens from it. Somebody did a study a few years ago in Jamaica on people that have smoked for like 20+ years. The only "health issue" they noticed was a slightly higher tendency to have a runny nose. LOL

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I don't know about the no lung damage thing. I think people have found that regular pot smokers had more physical lung damage than regular cigarette smokers. But they think that it's because the pot burns hotter and people tend to inhale deeper and hold the hot smoke in their lungs longer that with cigarettes.


But pharmacologically speaking I think there's probably not a lot of real adverse effects. And as long as its grown naturally there shouldn't be all the same preservatives and carcinogens as cigarettes.


I once took an awesome pharmacology class that was all about drugs and drug abuse and the prof said he didn't feel right talking about the drugs unless he has experienced them so he had a ton of awesome anecdotes about all the drugs he did!

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I don't know about the no lung damage thing. I think people have found that regular pot smokers had more physical lung damage than regular cigarette smokers. But they think that it's because the pot burns hotter and people tend to inhale deeper and hold the hot smoke in their lungs longer that with cigarettes.


Do have a ref for that by any chance, I'm just curious?


In our class, the teacher could only find one study that showed adverse effects on the lungs. I believe it was an Australian study done on rats - who were put in airtight cages and given an absurd amount of cannabis (more than any human would reasonably smoke) and found that it had some adverse health effects. Apparently it's very unlikely that, for the amount recreational users (even heavy ones) smoke, have any measurable negative effects on the lungs. This is probably after controlling for cigarette and other inhalants?

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Nothing destructive about it physically speaking. I was very disappointed when my neuropsych prof told me this! I was like "damn, so why the hell ain't I burning a spliff right now?" He's like "I don't know, as long as you don't drive or something its safer than alcohol". :confused:


Oh wait he told me one bad thing that happens from it. Somebody did a study a few years ago in Jamaica on people that have smoked for like 20+ years. The only "health issue" they noticed was a slightly higher tendency to have a runny nose. LOL


You can't tell me that the tar deposit from smoking a joint does nothing to your lungs.






The extent of the risk is debatable but I'd rather try to be as healthy as possible when it comes to my lungs, that's all.

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You can't tell me that the tar deposit from smoking a joint does nothing to your lungs.






The extent of the risk is debatable but I'd rather try to be as healthy as possible when it comes to my lungs, that's all.



I agree, smoking marijuana frequently does not likely help anyone and can lead to secondary deaths like car accidents when not used safely - so there really is no gain from smoking cannabis. IMO, however, alcohol is more harmful than marijuana.


There are some studies that show an association between cancer and use, but more recent information shows otherwise, and gives reasons for why these studies may be flawed.


Here's an example: http://www.sciencedirect.com/science?_ob=ArticleURL&_udi=B6T40-4GRRJK7-G&_user=10&_coverDate=04%2F30%2F2005&_rdoc=1&_fmt=&_orig=search&_sort=d&view=c&_acct=C000050221&_version=1&_urlVersion=0&_userid=10&md5=39e84a2c7b74d4057fe8b994ad562424


"In summary, sufficient studies are not available to adequately evaluate marijuana impact on cancer risk. Several limitations of previous studies include possible underreporting where marijuana use is illegal, small sample sizes, and too few heavy marijuana users in the study sample. Recommendations for future studies are to (1) focus on tobacco-related cancer sites; (2) obtain detailed marijuana exposure assessment, including frequency, duration, and amount of personal use as well as mode of use (smoked in a cigarette, pipe, or bong; taken orally); (3) adjust for tobacco smoking and conduct analyses on nonusers of tobacco; and (4) conduct larger studies, meta-analyses, or pooled analyses to maximize statistical precision and investigate sources of differences in results."

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I agree, smoking marijuana frequently does not likely help anyone and can lead to secondary deaths like car accidents when not used safely - so there really is no gain from smoking cannabis. IMO, however, alcohol is more harmful than marijuana.


haha, but at least your liver can regenerate. Your lungs can't :P

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You need to have an option of

-I used to smoke it occasionally but I have now seen that it turns motivated and studious people into lazy asses who don't give a sh$t about anything anymore so now I don't touch the stuff.


I have a friend who has turned lazy over the past year...I think its time to check with him and see what he has in store...

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But pharmacologically speaking I think there's probably not a lot of real adverse effects. And as long as its grown naturally there shouldn't be all the same preservatives and carcinogens as cigarettes.


Natural tobacco is still terrible for your health. I actually did a project in cell bio about that eons ago....same end result whether it's Camels or organic tobacco!

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Weed has tar in it? Really? I'm not a smoker so its not like I'm the best source of info for this, but I didn't think there was any tar in a joint. I mean its a plant! Tar is man-made. I thought the burn rate was controlled by the zigzag you used.


"Tar is the common name for the resinous partially combusted particulate matter produced by the burning of tobacco, cannabis, and other plant material in the act of smoking. Tar is purportedly[citation needed] the most destructive component in habitual tobacco smoking, accumulating in the smoker's lungs over time and damaging them through various biochemical and mechanical processes. Tar also damages the mouth by rotting and blacking teeth, damaging gums and blocking papillae and taste buds.


Tar includes the majority of mutagenic and carcinogenic agents in tobacco smoke (IARC, 1986).[citation needed] Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH), for example, are genotoxic via epoxidation.[citation needed]


There is a common misconception that the tar in cigarettes is equivalent to the tar used on roads.[citation needed] As a result of this, cigarette companies in the United States, when prompted to give tar/nicotine ratings for cigarettes, usually use "tar", in quotation marks, to indicate that it is not the road surface component. Tar is occasionally referred to as an acronym for total aerosol residue[1] although it's possible this is a backronym.[citation needed]"


Taken straight from wikipedia.



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I smoke every day. I also have a vaporizer to minimize the negative health effects. Responsible stoner ftw.


My GPA has gone up since I regularily started smoking weed. I never show up to class/tests/important things stoned. I'm not worried. The whole laziness argument is stupid. Of course I'm lazy when I'm stoned, but it doesn't magically make me less driven.


If I get in this year I hope there's at least a couple other stoners who I can hang out with when the time is right :P


Don't get me wrong... I love chilling with stoners. One of my best friends is a stoner and she's the most hilarious person to hang out with when she's high. I'll still chill with you...I just won't smoke it myself, that's all.

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