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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Well, I told him that he could borrow my phone and text all his peoples to invite them to see the Narnia movie with us when I get there. His response was that I was NOT allowed to mention to his friends that he likes the Chronicles of Narnia. He has to maintain his "cool factor". Again, I use this smiley: :confused:


I miss the days when my biggest concerns were 'my peoples'. :D


You'll have to set him straight that Narnia *is* cool...but the books are probably cooler than the movies ;)

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Well, I told him that he could borrow my phone and text all his peoples to invite them to see the Narnia movie with us when I get there. His response was that I was NOT allowed to mention to his friends that he likes the Chronicles of Narnia. He has to maintain his "cool factor". Again, I use this smiley: :confused:


Narnia > His People.

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Okay then. Speed allowed is set by some obective factor based upon optimum conditions. These days, there are not optimum conditions. Moreover, at holiday time, others driving may take a drink first, thereby reducing their reaction time. Driving faster than allowed also cuts down the reaction time for the driving conditions.


It is not about not driving safely, rather about driving more safely, especially at holiday time approaching. Accidents are just that, nobody's fault, increased speed increases the lielihood of an accident, less control, etc.


Insurance companies raise the premium of habitual speeders for a reason, i.e., there is an increased risk of a a costly accident.


As long as dee uses common sense for the road conditions, then his only problem is to sniff out the cops who love to hide and catch speeders, the cops on this beat have nothing else to do.




Drinking and drinking can cause death - no matter how experienced the driver is.

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Okay then. Speed allowed is set by some obective factor based upon optimum conditions. These days, there are not optimum conditions. Moreover, at holiday time, others driving may take a drink first, thereby reducing their reaction time. Driving faster than allowed also cuts down the reaction time for the driving conditions.


It is not about not driving safely, rather about driving more safely, especially at holiday time approaching. Accidents are just that, nobody's fault, increased speed increases the lielihood of an accident, less control, etc.


Insurance companies raise the premium of habitual speeders for a reason, i.e., there is an increased risk of a a costly accident.


As long as dee uses common sense for the road conditions, then his only problem is to sniff out the cops who love to hide and catch speeders, the cops on this beat have nothing else to do.




Drinking and drinking can cause death - no matter how experienced the driver is.


Very well said, very well said f_d. Quality posts like this is why we all love you. :)

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Sadly, I beg to differ...cuz I hate Lewis' writing.


I could never get through any of the Narnia books. I got halfway through the first one, and decided that it was just not worth it to try and finish. Tried reading the 2nd one (the Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe) several years later thinking that maybe I just didn't give Lewis enough of a chance, but I only got about 30 pages into that one before it got put back permanently on my shelf!


I just realized something sad........... I was actually able to (painfully) get through the first Twilight book... I hated it, thought it was TERRIBLY HORRIBLE, but still got through it. Oh God... does this mean I find Twilight better?!?!?!?!:eek:


So. I got another speeding ticket.



Haters rejoice!







Maybe you shouldn't speed?


That would just be the logical thing to do:rolleyes:


It's not about haters, it's about driving safely so as minimize the possibility of accidents and injury.


Best wishes for a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.


getting a speeding ticket does not mean you weren't driving safely.


I'm with bpp on this one. People driving at (or even slightly below) the speed limit can be worse drivers than those driving over the speed limit. For example, I would much rather be in a vehicle with deeman going fast, than with my brother going slow. Does that mean all fast drivers are good drivers? Of course not! But not all speed-limit drivers are good drivers either.



And dee- to not get ticketed, you just need to learn the optimal speed at which to drive where you're still technically driving fast, but you're also not going to get caught by the cops. Take it from someone who drives where there's photo radar- 10-15% over is generally pretty safe. The cop's gotta be in a REALLY bad mood to pull you over at that speed!......


Not that I know this optimal speed from experience.......;)

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10 over is pretty standard anyway, just like how 20 over is standard on the highways. The only time I did 20 over on local roads was last week in the middle of an exam crunch- lucky I didn't get caught. It was also the first time that, say, >20 consecutive traffic lights were all green. :D

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10 over is pretty standard anyway, just like how 20 over is standard on the highways. The only time I did 20 over on local roads was last week in the middle of an exam crunch- lucky I didn't get caught. It was also the first time that, say, >20 consecutive traffic lights were all green. :D


Haha... 20 over on a highway? If I did that here I'd end up with a huge ass ticket. Hmmm.... maybe I should move to Ontario. Drivers go fast, no photo radar... sounds like my kinda province:cool:


The 10-15% over are from experience with photo radar. Which doesn't need the man power pulling someone over does, so they can set the "catch speed" lower than a cop travelling the roads. Without photo radar, you might be able to push 20% over.


I can't believe I'm promoting speeding:rolleyes: lol

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Haha... 20 over on a highway? If I did that here I'd end up with a huge ass ticket. Hmmm.... maybe I should move to Ontario. Drivers go fast, no photo radar... sounds like my kinda province:cool:


The 10-15% over are from experience with photo radar. Which doesn't need the man power pulling someone over does, so they can set the "catch speed" lower than a cop travelling the roads. Without photo radar, you might be able to push 20% over.


I can't believe I'm promoting speeding:rolleyes: lol


lol photo radars sound scary........and inconvenient. The leftmost lane on highways in TO are usually 120.

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Ohhh! Mithril! Mith! Mithril! I found something for yoooouuuuu...

Wolveraptor, superheroes become dinosaurs. I think you will like dinosaurs again now. :D




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nooooo... He should watch police cars more carefully


^ I'm with this guy. And I'm not the only one with a ticket this weekend. The cops went on a ticket spree, ticketing ANYTHING and using tactics sneakier than I've ever seen! I know 4 others that got tickets this weekend too.


One old asian lady was in front of me taking a right turn at a stop sign and didn't stop fully. The cop comes out of no where from behind a building and flips on his light behind her. She keeps driving, slowly. He turns on his siren. She pulls over like 50m down the road. Cop turns off his siren and stops behind her. She pulls away! Then he gets pissed and blocks her off and forces her to pull over. LMAO. I can only imagine she faked incompetence in English to the cop too. :rolleyes:

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