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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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If you end up in Montreal, this is the place you need to go to: http://montrealbreakfastreview.com/lavenue-922-avenue-du-mont-royal-est

(and believe me the wait is more than worth it! Just don't eat before going and go go around 11am)



The Bagel places f_d mentioned are open 24h (well the one next to my place is anyways :P) so are great after a night out.


Oh and sushi wise Tri-Express on Laurier mmmmmm :)


Hmmm, I think it's time I go eat dinner!!




pm101 should have a skype meet so we can hear mith's voice.. i wonder if it will make the ground rumble all the way over here in winnipeg?


i've only had winnipeg coras so i have nothing to compare it to, but if i end up taking my montreal trip this summer, i will definitely go to coras there. and every poutine place in the city...

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I am so surprised at the way my day goes.


It starts off like this: "okay, so today, I'm going to be really productive *determined*. I'll go home after class ends early, eat, and then sit down to catch up on two weeks worth of mat'l that i've neglected."


i end up going home, watching t.v. one show becomes 4. then i open my books...turn on the laptop, and wow, i can manage to waste hours not related to school work.


sadly, this does not surprise me. motivation has flown south for the winter.


Edit: I just realized I contradicted myself. My poor brain. Laziness has fried it.

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We can trade places, orange. ;)


Only if you are super productive ;) in that case I will give you my laziness for your uber productivity....also, haven't used the word uber in a while....feels strange :)


And maybe after switching, someone ( my divinely ordained life partner) will compliment me on my voice, except in this case, he'd say, 'it's as sweet as a songbird's....marry me.' :D

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Btw mods, am I allows to make a plug for the med school interest series to be held at UTSG here?


To interested premeds, there's a facebook group, join it for info on dates et al. There'll be a panel discussion where premed students can ask current med students about their journey into meds. And one of the speakers is dr. Philip Hebert, the guy who authored doing right.

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Thursday's on Crescent St. in downtown Montreal, on Sunday mornings after 10 AM has the most fabuloius and cost effect breakfast with all the rolls, croisants, danish you want for free, plus dessert thrown in the price. Free validated parking at Hotel Montagne on Mountain St. for guests and you walk underground into the restaurant - same owner.

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Man, I have to say with at least a couple decisions looming for Ontario med schools next week (Queen's + 1st batch U/T) it is difficult to focus on work.


Obviously thinking about it won't change anything...but hard not to think about it! Very curious to see what (if anything) Queen's pulls out of the hat as well as if my major OMSAS app overhaul will produce the positive result at U/T I am hoping for.


Good luck guys!!

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I'm thinking of applying to UBC med's student summer research program. It's pretty crap pay ($1400 a month for two months of full-time work), but I think it's the experience that I'm after. The application is due Feb 11th (a day before my UBC interview) and I got the email about 15 min ago.


Dang $8.75 an hour, but I guess the experience is worth at least another...$5/hour? :)

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Man, I have to say with at least a couple decisions looming for Ontario med schools next week (Queen's + 1st batch U/T) it is difficult to focus on work.


Obviously thinking about it won't change anything...but hard not to think about it! Very curious to see what (if anything) Queen's pulls out of the hat as well as if my major OMSAS app overhaul will produce the positive result at U/T I am hoping for.


Good luck guys!!


Queen's is indeed quite a wildcard! There are so many speculations/rumors floating around...it will be interesting to see what happens!


I pretty much sit on my computer all day refreshing my email and various forums while pretending to be busy lol.

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took cat back to the vet today. she did an ultrasound. turns out he has cancer and doesn't have long left... so i'll be putting him down tomorrow or friday. i mean i guess on one hand i was kinda expecting that answer but still. god it sucks :(




what's the deal with new PM101 users putting pictures of themselves as their avatar?
They want people to stalk them.
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Interesting convo today and an ultimate embarrassment on my part:


Me: "Hey how is it going?"

Person: "Good. And yourself?"

Me: "Great. Thanks for the info the other day. It was much appreciated."

Person: "No worries. I'm glad I could help."

Me: "You free next week some time?"

Person: "I should be on some days.... why?"

*person starts being antsy and plays around with some magnet on the drawer over and over*

Me: "I don't know.... uhm.. What I meant to say is coffee?" :rolleyes:

*person plays with the magnet and I start twirling my hair and blushing uncontrollably*




Never again am I going to do that. EVER.

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Leap, is said "person" the same person with whom you are playing these "look" games?


Also, did he say yes to coffee???


EDIT: i also don't see why you're so embarrassed?


probably because she showed an emotional response and played with her hair like a little school girl :o

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Interesting convo today and an ultimate embarrassment on my part:


Me: "Hey how is it going?"

Person: "Good. And yourself?"

Me: "Great. Thanks for the info the other day. It was much appreciated."

Person: "No worries. I'm glad I could help."

Me: "You free next week some time?"

Person: "I should be on some days.... why?"

*person starts being antsy and plays around with some magnet on the drawer over and over*

Me: "I don't know.... uhm.. What I meant to say is coffee?" :rolleyes:

*person plays with the magnet and I start twirling my hair and blushing uncontrollably*




Never again am I going to do that. EVER.


So you're giving all the work to the guys now?

You're an expert storyteller mademoiselle- cliffhanger ending? :P



To those of you that remember my lab this semester with a new TA:

TA seems pretty cool. He changed some procedures today and we started asking him why and pressing him for reasons because the change made some steps unnecessarily complicated. He couldn't give an answer and told everyone to just follow protocol (in a raised voice) and stop asking him stuff like that.


This one will need careful handling. :cool:

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I went to a keynote lecture today about infection and autoimmunity. His last slide:


5 Famous Jews and their philosophies:


1.) Moses - Law is everything

2.) Jesus - Love is everything

3.) Marx - Money is everything

4.) Freud - Sex is everything

5.) Einstein - Everything is relative.

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I went to a keynote lecture today about infection and autoimmunity. His last slide:


5 Famous Jews and their philosophies:


1.) Moses - Law is everything

2.) Jesus - Love is everything

3.) Marx - Money is everything

4.) Freud - Sex is everything

5.) Einstein - Everything is relative.


^ like. :)

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So you're giving all the work to the guys now?

You're an expert storyteller mademoiselle- cliffhanger ending? :P


Hahahahaha... Scroll down.


probably because she showed an emotional response and played with her hair like a little school girl :o


That's correct. It was terrible. Actually, today was reversed of what happened on Monday. He WAS nervous (hence the playing with the magnet and a huge smile on his face throughout convo... the magnet was a distraction so he would stop smiling). But I lost control of my own emotions and forgot what I was going to ask....lol... He did look incredibly hot today though.... *blush*


Leap, is said "person" the same person with whom you are playing these "look" games?


Also, did he say yes to coffee???


EDIT: i also don't see why you're so embarrassed?


Yep. It is. ;) Feelings out - it was way too obvious.


Smooth leap.




Thanks. lol.


^ olololololol




So result:

We're going out for coffee next week. :D Oh man... I need to hold myself together.

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