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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Just returned from Edmonton today!


U of A campus and the city of Edmonton exceeded my expectation by X1000000 times :)


I was so nervous in some stations that I could literally hear my voice shaking like crazy though so have no idea how my scores are going to turn out but now U of A is definitely my choisir numero #1!!!!! :D:D


Can't wait until May to come

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So my committee is meeting right now and they've been talking for the past hour.... I'm so nervous that I can't sit and study at all... I drank 6 coffees and I keep chewing on my pen and I also slammed into a door today.... Omg... I think I might start freaking out... :( (if i'm not already)...

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Bought a new car. :) A 2010 Honda Fit Sport. It was on sale, due to being a 2010 model, so I got a good deal on it. :) Only problem was they only had one left, in red. Now, red isn't my first choice in a car - I like blue or silver/grey - but I don't object to red either. So, since it was such a good deal, we (my husband and I) bought it. :) Haven't taken delivery of it yet, but soon. :)


We've been a one-car family until now (we have a '99 Civic that still runs great), but with me starting med school in the Fall, we decided it was time to get a second car. So I get the nice, new car and my husband will continue to use our older Civic.

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School is nearly done :D Just need to bear down for 2 more weeks!


YAY! Midterms are over! Likewise, I only have to grind for 2 more weeks (2 labs left :D ) and a few assignments and I am done for the year.. so happy!



Now I have to focus on getting a good summer jobs, -> patiently waiting for all my job applications to come through, even one would be nice

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Hey guys! Stopping by to say hello!


I'm still sort of on a break (for those of you who are trying to PM me, I know there are a lot of you because my email inbox is full of emails that say "so and so tried to PM me but my inbox is full," but I promise I will delete my old messages once this term is over and at that time, feel free to PM me!)


... but I took some time to do a bit of reflection, and focus on school.... I still need to spend lots of time focusing on exams. Assuming my finals go well, my GPA should be at a decent level to apply OOP this year! So, of course, I'll be applying to UBC (IP) but also NOSM, Mac, and maybe some other schools? Not sure yet, but I felt like I needed to write this down before I change my mind. I don't know why I was so stubborn about applying OOP. If anyone saw my thread about applying OOP I created a billion years ago (in internet time), I had some pretty immature reasons for only applying IP.


I can't apply to UofA (I don't have statistics! I will need to take that ASAP just in case I don't get in anywhere next year. Should I take this by correspondence over the summer? Will this make me eligible for the upcoming application cycle? Any thoughts?). Anyways, I feel pumped right now (graduating this May... yes...!) and I know applications are months away, but I just feel so motivated right now and that I have something to work for! And good luck to everyone who is waiting to hear the news about acceptance/rejection/waitlist... there's probably a lot of uncertainty going around right now, but keep your heads up!


And for those of you who watch Glee, last weeks episode was so good I've watched it like 3 times already. I'm the biggest gleek out there, I think. Tok, you really are psychic.



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Glad to hear you're so pumped Cerena!

I hope it all works out well for you. I am hoping to find that same motivation right now, some times it's easier to find than others... it's hiding veeeery well right now!


I'd say with all of those interviews, I wouldn't bee to worried if I were you. Try not to drive yourself crazy, your odds are good and don't let anyone mess with your head right now (especially yourself). Best of luck! Nothing but good vibes being sent your way :) By the way, I saw that you've booked your honeymoon this summer! Congrads!

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