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Why are people so unfriendly in my MCAT class?


I just want to talk about things outside of MCAT and get to know you a bit better outside of which med school you are applying to. and they stare at me like if I'm so sort of massive competition that they don't have the human decency to talk to. I'm sorry that I study and know the answers in class...it's not like I do anything else, be grateful that at least you have a life >.> <.<


Honestly. I don't care how many degrees you have, or that you volunteer at Sick Kids right afterwards. Or that you're applying to the states. Or that you think that you just need a high MCAT score to get into U of T. Or that you know the dean of medicine at Queens.


I just asked how your weekend was....maybe I'm the insane one.

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Why are people so unfriendly in my MCAT class?


I just want to talk about things outside of MCAT and get to know you a bit better outside of which med school you are applying to. and they stare at me like if I'm so sort of massive competition that they don't have the human decency to talk to. I'm sorry that I study and know the answers in class...it's not like I do anything else, be grateful that at least you have a life >.> <.<


Honestly. I don't care how many degrees you have, or that you volunteer at Sick Kids right afterwards. Or that you're applying to the states. Or that you think that you just need a high MCAT score to get into U of T. Or that you know the dean of medicine at Queens.


I just asked how your weekend was....maybe I'm the insane one.



Unfortunately those types of people exist everywhere (maybe there is a higher frequency in your mcat class..lol).


For instance this morning I walked into the lab and a grad student didn't even reply to me when I said,"good morning how was your weekend?" So I asked again and he didn't even look up.


Just remember that you have plenty of other people who support you and care about you and I wouldn't waste energy trying to forge a friendship with people who are unfriendly don't care about you to begin with.

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Maybe that person is just having a bad day. It happens. In my 2nd year immunology class I always sat at a particular seat and a guy sat to the seat next to me every time we had class, so I finally introduced myself but he never shook my hand or even talked. The next day we had class he apologized to me for acting like that; he explained how his parents were going through a divorce and wasn't in a talkative mood.

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Unfortunately those types of people exist everywhere (maybe there is a higher frequency in your mcat class..lol).


For instance this morning I walked into the lab and a grad student didn't even reply to me when I said' date='"good morning how was your weekend?" So I asked again and he didn't even look up.


Just remember that you have plenty of other people who support you and care about you and I wouldn't waste energy trying to forge a friendship with people who are unfriendly don't care about you to begin with.[/quote']




I'll parallel the situation to sports. There are some athletes that will not talk to others, will look down on them and so on only because they're competition. Thing is, in the end (especially in individual sports like swimming) it doesn't matter what the others do, it's all about your own performance, so why hate on them? Of course you want to beat them, but nothing is stopping you from being nice or at least polite along the way. Seems some of the other MCAT students are acting a bit the same way, taking competition too far.

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And to think, many of these very people will be our medical colleagues collaborating with us for the benefit of our patients. Being socialable and pleasant will make it so much easier for all.


And Michelle I agree with you. In mhy endeavours, even in competitions, I am not competing with others, rather with myself to be the best of which I am capable.

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I just asked how your weekend was....maybe I'm the insane one.


You talked to people in your MCAT class? OMG!


As much as I hate saying it, I hate most premeds. Far too many are too obsessed with work and secrecy. There is a line, however fine, between hard working and gunning.

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So day 1 sans my mom. It's hard. Her and I were/are so close. It's weird not to see her at all :(


The end is in sight! Only a few more days and I then I can relax and get everything ready to move out. Still not 100% sure where I'm going (haven't heard from one school yet- my #1), but I do know that Operation All Quiet On The Eastern Front (yes, like Kyla, I have named mine:p) is a go. Don't care what my parents say/think. I need to get away for myself. So I can actually be independent for once! I'm getting really excited! Less than 2 months! :D

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Mac attack, what's wrong with you? Get in the game man. People are just speed bumps, obstacles to be overcome. If someone gets in your way you take them down, then you take their family down, then their neighbours and high school gym teacher. You want in? Then you bring your A-game because there is no room for "hello" in medicine. I'm starting to doubt whether you really want this or if you just want to settle in as a lab tech in a nice cushy little corner of some half-assed institution. You go in to class tomorrow and you play to win. I want to hear about your trip to Africa to work with deaf and blind children who can't get dates, I want to hear the postnomials of your references, I want you to shout out your CASPER answers. Leave that weak ass crap at home, now what are all the substrates and enzymes in the TCA cycle, in order? Type them out while doing one-armed push ups!






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You talked to people in your MCAT class? OMG!


As much as I hate saying it, I hate most premeds. Far too many are too obsessed with work and secrecy. There is a line, however fine, between hard working and gunning.


I'm really hoping there will be some older students in my premed year this fall... So far I haven't met anyone older than 22 which is still 8 years younger than me (yes age is just a number sometimes..). Most of them will be fresh out of cegep, such a huge gap!! Will be much better once I'm in 1st year as older students will be getting in, and the young ones will have grown some. And I'm sure in the end there will be some who aren't cutthroat and all.

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Thanks everyone for the responses and support! You guys are the best...I kinda laughed it off with all the positive comments that were posted here. I'm glad I'm not the crazy one. Sometimes competition gets the better of us; but I wish I had more friends like you guys here and it's just another reminder that it's a solo game (or reaction) and that it's really path dependent on the amount of work that you want to get over that Ea (Activation Energy) into medical school.


You know Macbook is studying orgo here...when typing this


And ParaD, special thanks to that EPIC post. It's now stuck on my wall. Whenever I feel like I'm not working hard enough, I just look up and ask myself: "how can I possibly be more gun than I already am?" LOL


I did a few pushups and recited the reactants and products for aerobic respiration, as you commanded. I need someone like you as my MCAT coach.

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Seconded, times like a million.


I'd just tell them they we're all a bunch of crazy ****s that needed to get a life, rub it in by saying medicine sucks, and that you're only applying as a back up to dentistry, because medicine is so lame and you'd rather be out making fat cash, travelling, doing cool surgeries, and meeting chicks in TO at 26 than working a 100 hours a week in residency for a slave wage!


haha, omg, they'll really hate you then!


As much as I hate saying it, I hate most premeds. Far too many are too obsessed with work and secrecy. There is a line, however fine, between hard working and gunning.

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Mac attack, what's wrong with you? Get in the game man. People are just speed bumps, obstacles to be overcome. If someone gets in your way you take them down, then you take their family down, then their neighbours and high school gym teacher. You want in? Then you bring your A-game because there is no room for "hello" in medicine. I'm starting to doubt whether you really want this or if you just want to settle in as a lab tech in a nice cushy little corner of some half-assed institution. You go in to class tomorrow and you play to win. I want to hear about your trip to Africa to work with deaf and blind children who can't get dates, I want to hear the postnomials of your references, I want you to shout out your CASPER answers. Leave that weak ass crap at home, now what are all the substrates and enzymes in the TCA cycle, in order? Type them out while doing one-armed push ups!


ROTFL.... :D

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Michelle, having already been accepted into the prepatory year of medicine with your place in med school assured, you will enter a cohesive class where you will help each other, so you have missed, lol, any cut throat situation. And as for age, as you say, age is just a number, and you and your classmates are all equal, with age not being a barrier for getting along. :)


mac, it is very much a "solo" operation. I never took note of the so-called competition and just did my thing very much on my own in the pursuit of my goal for med school. What others may have been doing was not of interest, not in my field of vision and would have been an unnecessary doistraction. Stay with the plan, and ignore the others.

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Mac attack, what's wrong with you? Get in the game man. People are just speed bumps, obstacles to be overcome. If someone gets in your way you take them down, then you take their family down, then their neighbours and high school gym teacher. You want in? Then you bring your A-game because there is no room for "hello" in medicine. I'm starting to doubt whether you really want this or if you just want to settle in as a lab tech in a nice cushy little corner of some half-assed institution. You go in to class tomorrow and you play to win. I want to hear about your trip to Africa to work with deaf and blind children who can't get dates, I want to hear the postnomials of your references, I want you to shout out your CASPER answers. Leave that weak ass crap at home, now what are all the substrates and enzymes in the TCA cycle, in order? Type them out while doing one-armed push ups!
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I don't know what got into me today but I miss my friends back home. :( I got to the point of actually crying in my own office because I was looking at their pictures and kept thinking how awesome it would be to be home now... bummer...

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It's supposed to feel like 43°C this afternoon. That's too hot/humid for beach weather. Yuck.


i am so glad that I have avoided this....this is what I can't stand about Eastern Ontario weather. Whose idea was it to build a city on former swampy land???


I am crossing my fingers that you have excellent A/C no matter where you are. Have you considered switching to working at night and sleeping during the day? The temperatures might be more comfortable.

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