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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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*hugs* Cerena. I don't know if this will be of any use to you, but I'm putting it out there for anyone who may be in a similar situation. The University of Guelph's veterinary hospital has a pet loss support line. http://www.ovc.uoguelph.ca/petloss/ They also have resources on dealing with the loss of a pet.


Take care Cerena. My 'boys' are sending out long distance purrs for you.


That is so sweet of you, MR. I'm very lucky I have my mom visiting in town right now. She loved Jasmine as much as I did. So I'm not alone right now, or have a mother around who is not understanding. It takes a lot of those sad feelings away to have someone to talk to. And, helps to have someone else around to help out. I'm really thankful for that.


EDIT - MR, I officially love the newsletter provided by guelph. <3


EDIT (again) - Went to work today. Just found out from the neurologist I work for that:


1) We were successfully published in May (yay! one publication)




2) If all goes well, one publication should be in press very soon :)


I'm happy I went in today.

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That is so sweet of you, MR. I'm very lucky I have my mom visiting in town right now. She loved Jasmine as much as I did. So I'm not alone right now, or have a mother around who is not understanding. It takes a lot of those sad feelings away to have someone to talk to. And, helps to have someone else around to help out. I'm really thankful for that.


EDIT - MR, I officially love the newsletter provided by guelph. <3


EDIT (again) - Went to work today. Just found out from the neurologist I work for that:


1) We were successfully published in May (yay! one publication)




2) If all goes well, one publication should be in press very soon :)


I'm happy I went in today.





Now go celebrate by watching Transformers. I heard that it was AMAZING. Although I am deeply saddened by the loss of Megan Fox, VS models are great too.


Giant robots kicking ass = Macbook's idea of a helluva good time.

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Congrats Cerena! :)



Very productive day so far with a lot of stuff. Got a lot done, and I'm going to stay up until I'm done all my assignments (helps when you have nothing to do the next day!). About 99.99% sure where I'll be in August now (woot! :D). Now to slowly get everything ready to go. I'm so excited!!!! (Soon my "location" won't be "The Island of Despair"! lol!)


Such a good mood today :)


Probably will head out to see a movie tomorrow. Trying to figure out which one: Green Lantern, Pirates of the Caribbean, or X-Men (haven't seen the previous Transformers yet, so that'll have to wait). Any recommendations? (Already saw Bad Teacher. It was actually pretty good for anyone wondering)

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Congrats Cerena! :)



Very productive day so far with a lot of stuff. Got a lot done, and I'm going to stay up until I'm done all my assignments (helps when you have nothing to do the next day!). About 99.99% sure where I'll be in August now (woot! :D). Now to slowly get everything ready to go. I'm so excited!!!! (Soon my "location" won't be "The Island of Despair"! lol!)


Such a good mood today :)


Probably will head out to see a movie tomorrow. Trying to figure out which one: Green Lantern, Pirates of the Caribbean, or X-Men (haven't seen the previous Transformers yet, so that'll have to wait). Any recommendations? (Already saw Bad Teacher. It was actually pretty good for anyone wondering)


GL: sure if you like ryan reynolds, don't expect a plot breaker

X-MEN: good if you watched the previous ones, or if you're a comic fanboy like me

Pirates: hmmmm.....not sure, some say it's good, some say it's bad. I haven't watched it


I would recommend X-Men. Or Kung Fu Panda 2.

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GL: sure if you like ryan reynolds, don't expect a plot breaker

X-MEN: good if you watched the previous ones, or if you're a comic fanboy like me

Pirates: hmmmm.....not sure, some say it's good, some say it's bad. I haven't watched it


I would recommend X-Men. Or Kung Fu Panda 2.


Yeah... with Green Lantern, I'm not sure if it'll be worth it for me to see. I don't know the story AT ALL. As a kid I always thought it was this guy that carried a flashlight that was green for people scared of the dark (yes, I was a dork when I was a kid). I loved watching TMNT (original cartoon), Transformers, Batman (old school, cartoon, new stuff... all of it), X-men, old school Spiderman (I'll never forgive what Tobey Maguire did to my friendly neighbourhood spiderman), all the typical "boy" cartoons. But never Green Lantern. That's why I'm on the fence about it.

X-Men-I've seen all of them except the Wolverine one (sadly. I <3 Hugh Jackman as Wolverine.... ;)). Seen ALL the cartoons, and probably would have read the comics too if our town had a comic book store. X-Men is probably my fave superhero... franchise? Story? Whatever.

Pirates- I really liked all 3 (the beginning of At World's End was weird though). And I am curious to see the "cookie" at the end of this one (like there is at the end of all the other ones.... Anyone else surprised by the REAL ending of At World's End? Not gonna lie... I kinda was. Too bad Kiera Knightly and Orlando Bloom weren't back to expand on that story line!).


So... based on all that, it seems like it's down to Pirates or X-Men.....


Rum or telepathy.....

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My bro was saying that the one guy had over 1000 rats in their place?! :/ Ew.


He also said that another lady had 50 cats.


To which my mom said: "Maybe the lady with the cats should get together with the guy with the rats. His problem would be solved pretty quickly. And she wouldn't have to worry about feeding her cats!"


That's HILARIOUS hahahahaha


I wish they'd have a follow-up show for intervention once a season- I want to know what the show's overall success ("to-date") rate is (ie how many are currently clean and sober vs how many went back to their old ways) and specifically how some of those people are doing right now. Makes me sad watching that show. I can totally understand how/why someone would turn to drugs and/or alcohol with some of those backstories (not that it's an excuse, but some of those people really have crap luck)


They do have a follow up show, but it's online. I'm generally not an emotional guy, but some of those episodes are real tear jerkining.

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They do have a follow up show, but it's online. I'm generally not an emotional guy, but some of those episodes are real tear jerkining.


I know- and some of them I really find myself hoping at the end that it says "sober since...." and that they've gotten their life on track. Which is why I want to see follow-ups of certain ones. That's awesome it's online! I might have to check it out!


what am i doing?

i've been doing non stop fist pumps in the air, was anticipating the worse for one of my spring classes... but i got a shockingly decent grade.


Was this course English by any chance? ;)

Hehe! I kid! Congrats!:)



So doing my final assignments... if my math is correct I should be done by 5:30am. My hope: a helluva lot earlier than that. I've got the questions on topics I hate out of the way...... so hopefully the rest will be smooth sailing!

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I know- and some of them I really find myself hoping at the end that it says "sober since...." and that they've gotten their life on track. Which is why I want to see follow-ups of certain ones. That's awesome it's online! I might have to check it out!




Was this course English by any chance? ;)

Hehe! I kid! Congrats!:)



So doing my final assignments... if my math is correct I should be done by 5:30am. My hope: a helluva lot earlier than that. I've got the questions on topics I hate out of the way...... so hopefully the rest will be smooth sailing!


lol that is an embarrassing mistake!! i usually consider myself a grammar nazi.. i blame it on mcat stress ;)

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Congrats on the publication Cerena!


As for movies, so far I've only seen X-Men (plan to see Green Lantern later this week). X-Men was really good - you don't need to know anything about the comics to understand the movie, but there are lots of little extras for those of us who are comic book geeks. :)


The movie definitely has its own continuity/timeline, that doesn't quite match up with the comic book continuity, but that's okay. The movie itself is internally consistent and totally self-contained, so you don't need any other information to enjoy it.

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Probably will head out to see a movie tomorrow. Trying to figure out which one: Green Lantern, Pirates of the Caribbean, or X-Men (haven't seen the previous Transformers yet, so that'll have to wait). Any recommendations? (Already saw Bad Teacher. It was actually pretty good for anyone wondering)
You might have already made up your mind, but I'd suggest you see X-Men. It was really good. GL was not as great as it could have been, and Pirates just seemed a bit tired to me.



I've also decided that spending a week at a cottage when there are huge thunderstorms is kind of unnerving when you wake up the next day and the first thing people ask is if anymore cottages were struck by lightning the night before.

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Congrats, you deserve it! Hope you're feeling better about your cat too :)


EDIT (again) - Went to work today. Just found out from the neurologist I work for that:


1) We were successfully published in May (yay! one publication)




2) If all goes well, one publication should be in press very soon :)


I'm happy I went in today.

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Congrats, you deserve it! Hope you're feeling better about your cat too :)


Thanks muse :) And thanks MR as well!

I'm feeling much better about Jasmine. I have so many photos with her and videos that if I ever miss her I can just remember all of the great times we shared together. Haha which was basically every day (she was such a sweetie).


I am very happy and excited to say that I am in contact with a family nearby that has siberian kittens (the same breed as Jasmine!). And, in a couple of weeks or even months I might just have a new little buddy in my life.

I have been thinking of a name for the new girl and am wondering what you all think: Persia.

(I like it because it's very regal and I think it would be so cute to say "purrrrr-sia" when I call her).

Here's a cute video of a siberian kitten for cat lovers (I am going to get a cat tree just like the one in the video):

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Just got back from visiting with the wife of the cop who was killed yesterday. He's my neighbour.


So heart wrenching. Was such a nice guy. I feel so bad for his wife and two little kids - both adorable.


Funeral Tuesday is going to be brutal. Sigh


Not that i need reminders of how short life is (buried a significant number of my close friends over the years as well as my big brother) but sometimes events like these hit home even more. Kind of reinforces me desire to leave the career i've had in search of something more meaningful.

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Just got back from visiting with the wife of the cop who was killed yesterday. He's my neighbour.


So heart wrenching. Was such a nice guy. I feel so bad for his wife and two little kids - both adorable.


Funeral Tuesday is going to be brutal. Sigh


Not that i need reminders of how short life is (buried a significant number of my close friends over the years as well as my big brother) but sometimes events like these hit home even more. Kind of reinforces me desire to leave the career i've had in search of something more meaningful.




That's so sad. I read that story yesterday.... I hope those kids feel like complete asses (the idiot teens in the car). As punishment I'd make THEM pay child support to widow and her kids.


Stuff like that terrifies the **** out of me. My little bro is less than a year away from applying to become a cop. Hearing stuff on the news like that and seeing what can happen.... worries me. He's my baby brother. I'm supposed to protect him. I tried at one point convincing him to do something besides go into the police force. He said it was either the police or the army. I shut up after that.


*e-hugs* aaron. My condolences go out to you (as a neighbour/friend) and to the wife, children, and family of the police officer.

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Thanks muse :) And thanks MR as well!

I'm feeling much better about Jasmine. I have so many photos with her and videos that if I ever miss her I can just remember all of the great times we shared together. Haha which was basically every day (she was such a sweetie).


I am very happy and excited to say that I am in contact with a family nearby that has siberian kittens (the same breed as Jasmine!). And, in a couple of weeks or even months I might just have a new little buddy in my life.

I have been thinking of a name for the new girl and am wondering what you all think: Persia.

(I like it because it's very regal and I think it would be so cute to say "purrrrr-sia" when I call her).

Here's a cute video of a siberian kitten for cat lovers (I am going to get a cat tree just like the one in the video):


I think you should name a cat this:




That is all.

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Just got back from visiting with the wife of the cop who was killed yesterday. He's my neighbour.


So heart wrenching. Was such a nice guy. I feel so bad for his wife and two little kids - both adorable.


Funeral Tuesday is going to be brutal. Sigh


Not that i need reminders of how short life is (buried a significant number of my close friends over the years as well as my big brother) but sometimes events like these hit home even more. Kind of reinforces me desire to leave the career i've had in search of something more meaningful.


My thoughts are with you, and his family. So sorry to hear about this.


I think you should name a cat this:




That is all.


Kyla, this is so strange. My boyfriend said I should name her "M" too. Just "M."

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