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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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You know you want to see the Glee movie, Mac. It's in 3D!!!!!




Yeah no I'm with psychoswim on this one...I really only liked season 1, then it sorta died on me. Then again, the only thing that kept me going were the songs and Dianna Agron ;)


EDIT: DIANNA AGRON sorry there whiz :P


Here, have this:



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You're going to nail the app. :)

Kyla and Cerena, UBC class of 2016?

Sounds good to me!


Ahhh! You just jinxed it!!




Our kittycat is staying here on VanIsle with J. It's probably good for him to have something furry to pet.



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I need to put one more doggie photo up. She is 10wks in this photo.



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No such thing :P!


P.S. Lovely pets, Ky. They are so beautiful.


P.P.S. Banana bread, huh?! That's so different! My girl Jasmine would love to eat potatoes.


I lived with a cat that drank tomato juice. He was grey and shaggy for a cat so he would get this huge red face after sticking his head into glasses of juice :)

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Thanks, f_d :D


I lived with a cat that drank tomato juice. He was grey and shaggy for a cat so he would get this huge red face after sticking his head into glasses of juice :)


Aww way too cute :) But sort of strange! Haha I wonder what he liked about it? The acidity?


Speaking of which, I'm going to get a little dorky right now (pardon this) but did you all know that cats lack the ability to taste sweet things?

Read all about it (if interested): http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info%3Adoi%2F10.1371%2Fjournal.pgen.0010003


I presented this paper in a nucleic acids course once, two years ago. It was a good paper (and good excuse to show my biochemistry class photos of my pets). :cool:

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...It'll just be the Kurt and Blaine hour then...as opposed to the Rachel and Kurt show it is...
I see nothing wrong with The Kurt and Blaine Hour as a spinoff show. :P




Just finished making an 11:11 wish...


wait, I don't still believe in that..:rolleyes:

Aw. I make 11:11 wishes. But I still haven't gotten my pink unicorn with a rainbow horn yet, so I'm not sure if a 11:11 wish really works. :(
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Aww way too cute :) But sort of strange! Haha I wonder what he liked about it? The acidity?


Speaking of which, I'm going to get a little dorky right now (pardon this) but did you all know that cats lack the ability to taste sweet things?


Weird! My parent's cat must be an exception then! Not only is he crazy about tomatoes (we can't leave them on the counter or he tears open the bag to get them/eat them) but he also loves all fruit! Apples, blueberries, pineapple, melon, anything he can get his hands on. :rolleyes:



Sorry about your dog Kyla, your dedication to her is amazing :)

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Weird! My parent's cat must be an exception then! Not only is he crazy about tomatoes (we can't leave them on the counter or he tears open the bag to get them/eat them) but he also loves all fruit! Apples, blueberries, pineapple, melon, anything he can get his hands on. :rolleyes:


One of our Sphynx is the same way - he loves fruit. He'll lick apple slices, eat bits of other fruit, even drink the leftovers of my smoothies. Of course, this is also the cat that eats apple strudel, soft pretzels and arrowroot cookies! Honestly, he eats anything and everything he can get his little paws on. ;)

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