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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Halfway "done" with my socio paper... Gonna need a lot of editing after though *sigh* I hate writing papers! Well maybe except the final social case study which will be fun to do but most likely a pain to write in the middle of finals :P


I'm loving the new season of Grey's, and I adore the new guy on CSI that's replacing Langston! He has some of Grissom's weird ways..


I got my new running shoes from ebay yesterday.. This year's Asics DS Trainer, upgrading on last year's model. It's when you put on your new shoes that you realize how bad the old ones had become!! And they were so much cheaper on ebay than locally even with shipping.


Back to paper writing... then a quick microbio and anatomy review tomorrow before jumping into cell bio for my midterm.

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My parents have the home phone + internet bundle with primus and it's not too bad. My friends out here have home phone just because cellphone reception on Vancouver Island is so spotting and unreliable.


If you don't have reception issues, I don't really see the point in having one. I've lived off my cellphone for almost 5 years now and I still pay my bills. make appointments and get in touch with people just fine! :)


I see you're in TO.... Try teksavvy (spelling?). They have decently priced bundles and if you price mine out compared to Rogers, you'd be paying more than double for half the service. They use the same lines as Rogers or Bell (Cable or HiSpeed respectively).


As for home phone, it really depends on what you want/need. If that's all you'd be using it for, I don't think it would be worth it. You could always give a fake number I suppose if you really wanted. See how many actually catch the 555 area code;)


If its internet no doubt you have to go with TekSavvy. Only internet company to actually give a damn about their customers. Plus great prices.


Wireless I'd say never rogers, telus or bell. Never. Honestly just try public mobile or wind. Can't be too bad plus no contract so you can leave them.


Home phone definitely I don't think is necessary. Only reason I use my "home phone" (which is really a VOIP phone) is for long distance calls or to avoid air time on those days I skip class and stay at home. :D



lol good suggestions. Thanks guys! :)

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That's probably how long I'll have spent on it by the time I finish! Working on it right now.


Are you almost done at least?


Yea I was done with the original a couple weeks back. I'm on draft 7 now. I'm sitting in a bubble tea restaurant with my friend, editing the final draft.


Yikes. Good luck with applications this year! :)



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I think I've spent over 25 hours on the UT essay over 2 weeks -.-"


:eek: WOW! That seems crazy (ok, I don't have to do the essay, but it still seems like a lot!)! I think I'll have spent a total of 25 hours between OMSAS and UofC by the time I submit the latter... never mind 25 hours on one part of one of them! LOL




On a similar note... You know you're a premed when your Friday night involves the super awesome party of you, your computer, and your med application. Or textbook/notes. Looks like my Saturday night will look similar too... I'm such a party animal:rolleyes:

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:eek: WOW! That seems crazy (ok, I don't have to do the essay, but it still seems like a lot!)! I think I'll have spent a total of 25 hours between OMSAS and UofC by the time I submit the latter... never mind 25 hours on one part of one of them! LOL




And what's 25 hours when we're talking about a life long career?


Yup that's the attitude I'm going with. At least it's 99.9% done. I'm just going to review everything and submit in a few hours. I've done the maximum possible for OMSAS at this point.


Now gotta work on UofC, UofA and McGill.


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Nearing the end of finishing my app! Only 2 more mini essays for NOSM and then to transfer the sketch stuff to OMSAS (yay cut and paste! lol)


I also realized why it didn't take me overly long this year- I kept my application from Calgary from last year, so I was able to just edit that as opposed to writing from scratch (who knew there was a plus to being a repeat applicant:rolleyes:)


Can't wait for Thanksgiving! Cooking it myself, in my very own place for the first time! :D I've cooked Thanksgiving dinner before... just not at my own place! I'm even going to attempt a pie... We'll see how that works out......

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I brought my bike up and set it up on my trainer since the weather is crap outside... time goes by much more quickly when you're reviewing anatomy while biking! I want to finish going through the material tonight along with microbio so that I can move on to bio cell tomorrow and study for my midterm... Studying makes me hungry, but of course I pretty much have no food left.

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I brought my bike up and set it up on my trainer since the weather is crap outside... time goes by much more quickly when you're reviewing anatomy while biking! I want to finish going through the material tonight along with microbio so that I can move on to bio cell tomorrow and study for my midterm... Studying makes me hungry, but of course I pretty much have no food left.


I do that while doing treadmill or stepmill work and suddenly an hour has passed by and you barely realize it.


great for time efficiencies :)


good luck with the studying!!!

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