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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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The Nutcracker tonight!! Due to the freaking freezing rain that's been falling all day (I fell down twice scraping off my car windows...), my mom and sister are coming from Ottawa by train so I'm leaving shortly to go meet them at the train station and then it's show time!


I talked to my surgeon's secretary this morning.. She's just started building up the schedules for January, and I was the only one already scheduled. I'm waiting for the hospital admission's dept to call to confirm, but date is set for Jan 12. Crossing my fingers nothing happens again! :)


Awesome!! Hope it pans out for you :)


I just returned from seeing mine actually. Post-op checkup. All is going well and i can slowly pick up the pace on exercising so thats great. I'll keep with the walking and biking for now amd stay out of the gym til the new year. Rest of my body was pretty beat down from the heavy training the past 6 months so some rest is good though driving my crazy!!!

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I think I have early onset dementia... first I forgot my address... then I forgot my apartment number... then I gave the wrong building number to a friend... then I forgot what is the street she needs to get off the bus to get to my place....


To top it all off, I forgot my buzz and the number you need to press to let people in... :rolleyes: Sigh.

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Toronto liposuction doctor banned for 2 years

CBC News

Posted: Dec 21, 2011 11:07 AM ET

Last Updated: Dec 21, 2011 4:04 PM ET


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College of Physicians and Surgeons: Yazdanfar decision

(Note:CBC does not endorse and is not responsible for the content of external links.)


A Toronto doctor has been banned from performing surgery for two years following a botched liposuction procedure in which a patient died.


Dr. Behnaz Yazdanfar has also been ordered to pay more than $200,000 in costs to the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons.


The college had found Yazdanfar guilty of professional misconduct in May.


In its decision released Wednesday, the college said Yazdanfar will be restricted "from performing all surgery, except as a surgical assistant in a hospital-based setting, provided that a member of the College of Physicians and Surgeons of Ontario who is approved by the College is in attendance."


In September 2007, Toronto real estate agent Krista Stryland, 32, underwent the fat-removal procedure at Yazdanfar's Toronto Cosmetic Clinic.


During hearings at the Ontario College of Physicians and Surgeons, the disciplinary panel was told Yazdanfar removed more than six litres of fat from Stryland, even though Ontario guidelines say five litres is the maximum that can be taken out.


The hearings were also told Stryland was found unresponsive an hour after she was left in a recovery area. The clinic didn't call 911 until 40 minutes after she became unstable, according to evidence, and paramedics found Stryland in a pool of blood when they arrived.


She died a short time later.


The college's disciplinary committee also found Yazdanfar incompetent in her care of other liposuction patients in her cosmetic surgery practice from 2005-2007, and in the care of two breast augmentation patients in 2007 and 2008.


After her suspension, Yazdanfar will be allowed to practise as an assistant in a hospital-based setting.


She will also have to allow random inspections of her practice and patient charts.


Dr. Bruce Liberman, Yazdanfar's anesthesiologist who also committed professional, misconduct has yet to be punished.


The college, in recent years, has tightened the rules around doctors who do cosmetic surgery and its inspections of non-hospital clinics.

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Funny how certain times of the year bring back various memories.


My mom used to work two jobs when i was younger and one of them wasas a nurse as a part-time position at a facility for handicapped people. I used to love going there to visit. The people always seemed to be the happiest people in the world despite their conditions.


When i think back, growing up with interactions like that is probably one of the reasons i try not to complain much. Those people couldnt take care of themselves, needed people to help wash or feed them and many had families who shunned them yet always a smile on their face, laughter in voice and love in their hearts compared to the people who complain over a hang nail, a cold or a bad mark.


I think everyone should have to spend time with people like that to truly know what it means to have problems.

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I do not like my apartment building. First I had this really annoying dog next door with this high pitched squeak that would go on for hours at a time. Filed like 10 complaints, finally got rid of him 4 months later. Then some pot smoking neighbours moved in who liked to yell in the hallways at 3 AM. That eventually stopped. Now a new yappy dog has moved in a couple doors down and will not shut up. I am tempted to feed it chocolate.


Captain is not happy! For those of you who live in Toronto, do not move into the building that looks like a cruise ship. It may look fancy, but it's awful...and noisy.


I only know of one cruise ship building and I think its near bayview and sheppard.


But please dont hurt the dog!!

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Funny how certain times of the year bring back various memories.


My mom used to work two jobs when i was younger and one of them wasas a nurse as a part-time position at a facility for handicapped people. I used to love going there to visit. The people always seemed to be the happiest people in the world despite their conditions.


When i think back, growing up with interactions like that is probably one of the reasons i try not to complain much. Those people couldnt take care of themselves, needed people to help wash or feed them and many had families who shunned them yet always a smile on their face, laughter in voice and love in their hearts compared to the people who complain over a hang nail, a cold or a bad mark.


I think everyone should have to spend time with people like that to truly know what it means to have problems.



Thats a really neat thing to say because I completely agree. People need to be reminded of whats truly important in life lol.

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Nutcracker was amazing last night!! I'm now home at my parents' sitting with my doggy by my side and a Christmas tree :)


My sister and I were thinking that if we find a good last minute deal, we might just fly south on a week holiday from the 27 to early Jan.. we'll see if it pans out otherwise I'll go back to Montreal and see my friends there.

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Don't worry, I've already had to deal with months of yapping. I settled for mentally visualizing feeding it chocolate.


I actually love animals. I just don't like yappy annoying ones...although it's probably the owners fault for never being home.


Same could be said of people :D

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Nutcracker was amazing last night!! I'm now home at my parents' sitting with my doggy by my side and a Christmas tree :)


My sister and I were thinking that if we find a good last minute deal, we might just fly south on a week holiday from the 27 to early Jan.. we'll see if it pans out otherwise I'll go back to Montreal and see my friends there.


dooooo ittttt and screw the deal. You have a LOC - use it. $1500 is NOTHING.


Take the R&R when you can I figure because soon you won't be able to.

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dooooo ittttt and screw the deal. You have a LOC - use it. $1500 is NOTHING.


Take the R&R when you can I figure because soon you won't be able to.


We'll see.. my sister doesn't have tons of money either, and I know I'm going on vacation with her and my mom sometime in May.. It's definitely a possibility though! It wouldn't be all bad to stay home and sleep for a week though ;)

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