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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Seriously? No one posting on here in 2 days? I am disappoint.



My family got a family doctor in Whitehorse! And all it took was calling the clinic on a twice-weekly basis at their opening hour of 8am to check if they would accept us! Hooray! :D


Also, there is this. I think it's lovely:


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Used snowboard shopping is a pain when you're short. I want to buy one to take out this weekend but at this rate, I'm either not going to find one at all or I'm going to end up with a board that's on the long-ish side. BOO! :(


I'm also getting length discrepancy when I ask people what size I should get or look around at sizing charts online. Some sites give me 137 ish, others give me 144-147.


Snowboarders: are longer boards really harder to learn on? I've been out twice, once on a longer board, once on a shorter one. The shorter one was definitely easier to control but the longer one was also a guy's board.(...or it could be me getting less terrible... or it could be the improved conditions.)


Advice pl0x! :(

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If learning, go with something chin height but if i termediate to advanced go with shorter.


Long board will be a bit harder to control but will also be comparitively slower (good).


Shorter boards are more maneuverable but also faster.


Have you tried experimenting with rental shop boards to see what you like?



Used snowboard shopping is a pain when you're short. I want to buy one to take out this weekend but at this rate, I'm either not going to find one at all or I'm going to end up with a board that's on the long-ish side. BOO! :(


I'm also getting length discrepancy when I ask people what size I should get or look around at sizing charts online. Some sites give me 137 ish, others give me 144-147.


Snowboarders: are longer boards really harder to learn on? I've been out twice, once on a longer board, once on a shorter one. The shorter one was definitely easier to control but the longer one was also a guy's board.(...or it could be me getting less terrible... or it could be the improved conditions.)


Advice pl0x! :(

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The unnamed New Yorker, who posted on Mac forums, said, 'I got my wife a new 4s and loaded up Find My Friends without her knowing. She told me she was at her friends house in the east village.'

'I've had suspicions about her meeting this guy who live uptown. Lo and behold, Find my Friends has her right there.'

He claimed that the app showed that she was in Manhattan, not where she claimed she was.

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Back to school tomorrow morning!! Man the holidays flew by so quickly but I'm happy to get back in and see my friends again.. I managed to get through 5 novels (thrillers) this week, hoping to get through the last 3 or 4 by next Monday. I also went back to the gym yesterday and boy do my muscles disagree today with the 4 hour training session I did! Hehe..

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Back to school tomorrow morning!! Man the holidays flew by so quickly but I'm happy to get back in and see my friends again.. I managed to get through 5 novels (thrillers) this week, hoping to get through the last 3 or 4 by next Monday. I also went back to the gym yesterday and boy do my muscles disagree today with the 4 hour training session I did! Hehe..


Hey psycho,

Could you share the titles of the thrillers you've read?

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Hey psycho,

Could you share the titles of the thrillers you've read?


Sure.. Do you know Tess Gerritsen?? She's one of my favourite authors with Patricia Cornwell, John Grisham, Robin Cook... (as far as medical/legal thrillers). The ones I read this week were Harvest, Life Support, The Sinner, Ice Cold and Body Double. I started (and finished) Ice Cold last night and that one was kinda creepy!

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Sure.. Do you know Tess Gerritsen?? She's one of my favourite authors with Patricia Cornwell, John Grisham, Robin Cook... (as far as medical/legal thrillers). The ones I read this week were Harvest, Life Support, The Sinner, Ice Cold and Body Double. I started (and finished) Ice Cold last night and that one was kinda creepy!


Ah! Those were all of her medical thrillers :)

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Tomorrow will be my first day of university. We will see if I will get good grades or hit the wall (especially after having a bad cegep due to ADHD). If I do good, then good, if not, then I may have to forget about Medicine (and university marks are never erased in Quebec, expect when applying to McGill).

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Tomorrow will be my first day of university. We will see if I will get good grades or hit the wall (especially after having a bad cegep due to ADHD). If I do good, then good, if not, then I may have to forget about Medicine (and university marks are never erased in Quebec, expect when applying to McGill).


Bonne chance!! (ou bon succès plutôt). Et bienvenue à l'uni!

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Surgery set for next Thursday. Crossing my fingers there are no changes again this time :) Should be interesting.. hopefully I recover nicely from the anesthesia and don't need too many pain killers so that I can go back to school quickly!


Good luck and congrats on getting a surgery date scheduled!

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