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What's everyone doing? (Vol II)


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Thanks guys! I'm tired but I'm staying up as close to midnight as possible since I can't eat/drink after that! ;) I'm still nervous about the surgery being postponed at the last second (could happen sadly), so I'll be a lot happier tomorrow night if it's finally over!


Btw, you have PM :D

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Didja pick up that board yet? :)


The awesome Burton was SOLD a month ago but the seller didn't take his ad off! :(


I bought a 137cm Forum Youngblood (mini) with Burton Lexa bindings - paid 150 instead of the 250 asking. Black and purple Vans boots to top it off ($70). The board is a little on the short side but I really loved it when I took it out last weekend.

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The awesome Burton was SOLD a month ago but the seller didn't take his ad off! :(


I bought a 137cm Forum Youngblood (mini) with Burton Lexa bindings - paid 150 instead of the 250 asking. Black and purple Vans boots to top it off ($70). The board is a little on the short side but I really loved it when I took it out last weekend.


Nice! that's awesome and great price too! It'll last you more than a few years so you'll get good value from it until you get to a level where you need/want something better.


Just maintain it with tuning and waxing so it doesnt dry out and you're solid!

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A bunch of the grad students and undergrads in my lab are going to a shooting range this weekend. I've never been to one so this should be interesting.


You'll have fun. I wish I could have done it this winter but it really wasn't in the cards for me. Hopefully I'll get my firearm back soon and I'll be able to prepare for fall!

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Hope your surgery goes well, Michelle!


On an unrelated note, earlier today I wanted to rip my hair out.

But, you know what? At the end of the day, when NOTHING seems to be working out, you just have to laugh, honestly. Shrug it off. Forgive and forget whoever made the mistake. And carry on with the day as professionally as you can.

Perdoar e esquecer.


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You'll have fun. I wish I could have done it this winter but it really wasn't in the cards for me. Hopefully I'll get my firearm back soon and I'll be able to prepare for fall!


I'm actually quite excited =) Do you do this as a hobby? I know the place that we're going to has a variety of firearms so I think I'll be trying each one if I can :P

Make sure it is pointed away from you. ;)


Note taken!

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Hope your surgery goes well, Michelle!


On an unrelated note, earlier today I wanted to rip my hair out.

But, you know what? At the end of the day, when NOTHING seems to be working out, you just have to laugh, honestly. Shrug it off. Forgive and forget whoever made the mistake. And carry on with the day as professionally as you can.

Perdoar e esquecer.



+1. Sometimes when everything is messing up, I honestly just start cracking up lol. Laughter is good medicine. What does the last statement mean btw?

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Surgery went well today!


I spoke with my surgeon after. Last time he repaired a labrum tear from 9 to 2 (if you imagine the 12 o'clock at the top where the long biceps originates). From that repair, I had re-torn from 10-12, and there was some inflammation and debris (including pieces of sutures ripped from my first op that were most likely causing some of the pinching). I knew it was torn, and I'm sure he knew as well but we were still hoping not.


He told me beforehand if it was torn he wouldn't repair (like 60-70% success rate on try 2) but instead do a tenodesis which means no more pulling on the labrum hence the tear doesn't matter. So he did exactly that with debridement to remove the debris and clean it up. Apparently even under anesthesia there weren't able to get my shoulder 100% range! (so I'm not crazy haha). Unfortunately, I have hyper flexible joints so the tenodesis could make my shoulder more prone to dislocate.. We think my strong musculature should compensate hopefully.


Rehab is gonna be a PITA though!! I'm immobilized for 4 weeks with my elbow bent at 90 during which time I can't use my biceps AT ALL, not even holding my elbow bent without support!! No elbow extension either. Then I'll start physio and range exercises, but no resistance/loading the biceps until 8 weeks! Should be fun uh...


So yeah... with my arm that way I can't type 2-handed so I think I'll be using my phone instead! And don't get me started on how the heck I'm going to get dressed or put my coat on!! On the other hand, no nausea at all and I don't feel at all like I was put under today. And I had a great time talking medicine with all the nurses, the anesthesist and my doc!! After doing my brachial plexus block (damn it hurt this time!! first time he sent electricity it made my trap cramp up), the anest ran the ultrasound over the area and showed me all the structures. And my surgeon chatted with me for a good 15 minutes giving plenty of details :) I'll see the pictures he took when I see him next for follow-up.


Plenty more to tell (like 3.5 hours to drive home in the storm! took 25 minutes to get there in the morning...) but I'm going to bed after taking some pain meds, and it's too hard to type.

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Surgery went well today!


I spoke with my surgeon after. Last time he repaired a labrum tear from 9 to 2 (if you imagine the 12 o'clock at the top where the long biceps originates). From that repair, I had re-torn from 10-12, and there was some inflammation and debris (including pieces of sutures ripped from my first op that were most likely causing some of the pinching). I knew it was torn, and I'm sure he knew as well but we were still hoping not.


He told me beforehand if it was torn he wouldn't repair (like 60-70% success rate on try 2) but instead do a tenodesis which means no more pulling on the labrum hence the tear doesn't matter. So he did exactly that with debridement to remove the debris and clean it up. Apparently even under anesthesia there weren't able to get my shoulder 100% range! (so I'm not crazy haha). Unfortunately, I have hyper flexible joints so the tenodesis could make my shoulder more prone to dislocate.. We think my strong musculature should compensate hopefully.


Rehab is gonna be a PITA though!! I'm immobilized for 4 weeks with my elbow bent at 90 during which time I can't use my biceps AT ALL, not even holding my elbow bent without support!! No elbow extension either. Then I'll start physio and range exercises, but no resistance/loading the biceps until 8 weeks! Should be fun uh...


So yeah... with my arm that way I can't type 2-handed so I think I'll be using my phone instead! And don't get me started on how the heck I'm going to get dressed or put my coat on!! On the other hand, no nausea at all and I don't feel at all like I was put under today. And I had a great time talking medicine with all the nurses, the anesthesist and my doc!! After doing my brachial plexus block (damn it hurt this time!! first time he sent electricity it made my trap cramp up), the anest ran the ultrasound over the area and showed me all the structures. And my surgeon chatted with me for a good 15 minutes giving plenty of details :) I'll see the pictures he took when I see him next for follow-up.


Plenty more to tell (like 3.5 hours to drive home in the storm! took 25 minutes to get there in the morning...) but I'm going to bed after taking some pain meds, and it's too hard to type.


Wow sounds tough..How did you tear your labrum? I can't imagine having to go one-hand for 4 weeks. :eek:

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You typed all that with one hand on a phone?

that's amazing


Haha no that was 1 hand on my laptop. 2 thumbs on my phone (like now) is much much faster!


Wow sounds tough..How did you tear your labrum? I can't imagine having to go one-hand for 4 weeks. :eek:


1 hand is hard. Absolutely no biceps contraction is insane! I have to concentrate so as not tobuse it even though I'm in a sling! I mean, you don't realize you're contracting when you're just holding your arm at your side with elbow bent but I can't do that at all..


As for how - we're not sure but we suspect it came from overuse in the end. I swam for over 20 years so that's a whole lot of overhead movements! I suspect my tears (both sides repaired) probably date back around 10 years, but they grew larger with time. Since my pain threshold is really high and my muscles are very strong it hid the tears until they were too large and painful. If you think about it, it's 10 years with my biceps slowly pulling the Labrum of the bone with every stroke.. Which is how I reinjured last summer - an innocent stroke combined with incomplete healing produced a subluxation and loss of range followed.

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