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Unprepared & a bit scared


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Hey everyone,


Well I'm in Health sci (just finished my 2nd year), and through some random life events I've decided to take the MCAT (in late August or early Sept). Because of the set up of my course structure (which I followed), I'm pretty much only fairly fluent right now in organic chm (the section I understand to have the least overall material on..). Anyways, I haven't taken biology, gen. chm, and my anatomy courses since the first year, but most troublesome is I have taken Physics since gr. 11.


I'm almost sure I will be taking a course starting in late May (kaplan since it's the most readily available in my area), however I don't think it can help me with my Physics if I haven't touched that stuff at all before.


Any advice for studying physics or studying in general? Should I try and grab a tutor to give me a foundation in physics? I've just recently tried to learn the material myself, starting with the beginning in Force and Translational motion, but I'm having quite a difficult time with even that...I'm not sure that even with 4 months of only studying I can learn all the Physics by just study, study, and more study without some help.

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Up to you to grab a tutor. I would use the TPR Hyperlearning Physical Sciences book. Four months is a decent amount of time to prepare. Learn content for 2 months and practice test + review test + content review to patch up weaknesses for 2 months. Get all the AAMC tests. Grade 11 physics should give you a decent enough springboard. The MCAT doesn't get too sophisticated with it in terms of concepts/principles. It's still pretty basic. Hmm why not wait until the pre-reqs are taken?

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If you are hell-bent on taking it this summer and are taking a prep course, I wouldn't worry about tutors or anything else. The basics will be covered in the prep course.


Otherwise, as Octavius said, the best idea is to wait until you've taken most of the pre-reqs.

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I'm almost sure I will be taking a course starting in late May (kaplan since it's the most readily available in my area), however I don't think it can help me with my Physics if I haven't touched that stuff at all before.
I have a friend who hadn't taken physics since gr 12 (4 years ago) and she took Kaplan & said they taught her everything she needed to know, and most of it she had already learned in high school.
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I have taken the pre-requisites for the most part, I just have a fairly short term memory (I haven't taken Org. Chm II actually...and it kind of seems to be there so...ugh), but because I didn't end up having any research or useful jobs this summer, I decided to write the MCAT. But yeah, it's still taken me hours to get a grasp on this very preliminary physics stuff, I guess health science didn't include that course because they thought high school was enough (just wish I did it lol).

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