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role playing station

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I have a question regarding those MMI stations where you are required to take on a role play (e.g. a doctor breaking bad news to a patient, a counsellor, an everyday situation, etc.). As soon as you enter the room, do you automatically assume the role of the "character"? Or do you first introduce yourself to the interviewer who is assessing you?




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I have a question regarding those MMI stations where you are required to take on a role play (e.g. a doctor breaking bad news to a patient, a counsellor, an everyday situation, etc.). As soon as you enter the room, do you automatically assume the role of the "character"? Or do you first introduce yourself to the interviewer who is assessing you?





I can only speak to the role playing ones that I have done, and for those I was instantly playing the role assigned :)

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I can only speak to the role playing ones that I have done, and for those I was instantly playing the role assigned :)


The only role playing MMI station I did was at Dal, and there was an actor and a interviewer in the room. I gave the interview my info (name, ID number, etc.), then immediately began playing the assigned role.

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Same deal --- the interviewer approached me and shook my hand and took my sticker. After that I assumed the role playing with the actor. I LOVED this station..my favorite one I think.


I hated this station. This was the only one that I wished the buzzer would go sooner....I had such an awkward scenario.

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I hated this station. This was the only one that I wished the buzzer would go sooner....I had such an awkward scenario.


Kind of the point of the station :) I was somewhat lucky - my volunteer work involved a lot of counciling and some of it was on target.

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