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I have all my EC's listed in my CV so I just have to look at that for reference. Having a Word document could be of some benefit if you are doing short term community involvement lets say for 1 week or just one day. But you'd get more out if it and get more experience if you do long term stuff. I'd feel much more comfortable having 3-4 long term commitments over 6-7 short term stuff

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after every experience/ if you learned something really meaningful during your volunteer hours that day I would jot it down. After a few years, when it comes to writing your essay you'll have lots of fuel. A lot of the "how to write a medical essay" recommend this as well. I personally didn't do this but I did spend a lot of hours trying to remember the key lessons I learned from each experience. I remembered a lot of lessons but I couldn't recall which experience and what specific moment brought them about.

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after every experience/ if you learned something really meaningful during your volunteer hours that day I would jot it down. After a few years, when it comes to writing your essay you'll have lots of fuel. A lot of the "how to write a medical essay" recommend this as well. I personally didn't do this but I did spend a lot of hours trying to remember the key lessons I learned from each experience. I remembered a lot of lessons but I couldn't recall which experience and what specific moment brought them about.

This makes a lot of sense, I realize I will remember the big events, but there are others that will be valuable and I might not remember the specifics.

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who knows how long you will be applying before you get in. I am glad I kept some notes of experiences/names/activities. When one has to recall back what they did since age 16, it is kind of tricky to know details like who to contact as a verifier when it happened 10+ years ago.

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I hope someone has something sarcastic to say about this.



...well, i've been keeping a list of everything i've done since high school, along with suitable verifiers+contact info for each (and maintaining contact with them every now and then). other than that, what else is there to keep track of, really?


u already did a perfect job.....

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well my #1 EC is being a serial killer. So I find the best way to keep track of your progress is to take a drop of blood of each of your victims, coverslip it on a microscope slide and add it to a collection hidden in your A/C



that's just a damn good TV show really.

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On a more sincere note though: all that is completely necessary is keeping track of verifiers. It really sucks to hunt down dead and retired peeps.


yes. on last years application 80% of my verifiers' occupations were "deceased". Worked like a charm for all those fake ECs I had...

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