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prof LOR

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I've heard from many people that you are 'supposed to' get a LOR from a professor... is this an actual requirement, or even suggestion, at any school? I assume it is a common LOR, since you need someone to comment on your academic aptitude/character, but if you could get that elsewhere (ie. I have done some research for a doctor this summer), is that just as well? I always thought it was weird anyways that some people would get letters from a proffesor that taught a class they were in, and the LOR was just to say that they are smart, did well in the class, participated, etc... I would think academics in that sense of the word would be apparent from marks/MCAT... shouldn't an 'academic' LOR focus more on stuff like the problem solving involved in research, etc (not necessarily research, as I know not everyone has it); but stuff that isn't completey apparent from looking at one's transcript? ANyways, is there a rule or even an 'unwritten rule' at any of the Ontario/Cndn schools that you guys know with regards to getting at least one LOR from a prof?


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I've heard from many people that you are 'supposed to' get a LOR from a professor... is this an actual requirement, or even suggestion, at any school? I assume it is a common LOR, since you need someone to comment on your academic aptitude/character, but if you could get that elsewhere (ie. I have done some research for a doctor this summer), is that just as well? I always thought it was weird anyways that some people would get letters from a proffesor that taught a class they were in, and the LOR was just to say that they are smart, did well in the class, participated, etc... I would think academics in that sense of the word would be apparent from marks/MCAT... shouldn't an 'academic' LOR focus more on stuff like the problem solving involved in research, etc (not necessarily research, as I know not everyone has it); but stuff that isn't completey apparent from looking at one's transcript? ANyways, is there a rule or even an 'unwritten rule' at any of the Ontario/Cndn schools that you guys know with regards to getting at least one LOR from a prof?



It's pretty common of course and some schools require (if i recall) at least one from an academic source, but usually it is not required - and in my opinion professors whose entire understanding of you is just your grade in one of your courses make entirely bad sources for LOR. Those letters have no depth, no insight, and look like the templated rubber stamped letters that they are :)

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