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Clerkship experience

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i am a 3rd year medical student at Dow University of Health Sciences Karachi, Pakistan.


I am interested in doing electives at Uoft In cardiology or oncology.Can any one please help me out with it. i


1.Can you guide me about the mode of electives? means is this an observership, teaching sessions or what? will we be taught any thing there? will we be allowed to perform any skills on patients like history taking or physical? please help me out with this...


2. At the time of electives, I'll be in my early fourth year. is this a suitable time for me to pursue this elective? In other words, will the information gained or provided be appropriate at my (early 4Th year) level. .


3. i am also planing to apply in cardilogy or oncolgy. is this a good choice for electives? in your views which fields are much better for electives at Toronto University?


will appreciate your response in this regard

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To the OP: clerkship is NOT observership. You will be responsible for a certain number of pts on some rotations (eg internal) and will need to follow-them daily, write orders (which will be cosigned by resident/staff at some point), write progress notes, follow-up on lab results etc. You will also be doing admissions (after the senior resident or staff has agreed to admit to the service). On surgical rotations you will assist in the OR...which often means being a human retractor - but you'll probably get to close now and then etc. Anesthesia - you'll get to get the pt prepped by doing the IVs and intubating etc. Depending on the school you go to, you may be 1st call to deal with floor issues. At Ottawa this was the case for me. However, it seems at MAC this is not the case. And students keep telling me about how they get to sleep on their internal medicine rotations!! Yes, you are right, you won`t know a whole lot, especially at the beginning. But you always have the residents and/or staff to call on if the pt is having urgent issues or you have questions. And that is how you learn...by doing stuff. Just get used to feeling stupid, cause you are supposed to feel that way!


To Asurani: you need to go to the UofT medical electives website. I think it is unlikely that they have spots for elective students from international schools, but I am not sure, so best to check.

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Are clerkships basically the medical student observing the residents and the attending physicians passively? When we start our clerkships will we actually be Doing anything, or just learning (cause I assume we'll be pretty ignorant at that stage in time).


agree with satsuma - you feel stupid every day. i've never said "i dont know" so many times in my life.


in medicine, you learn by doing not by watching. clerkship is your chance to learn how to take care of patients.

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