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Need some sketch advice!

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1) Do you guys put high school honour rolls under awards/achievements

2) For "other" I have: a) Backpacking trip across Europe and B) Released recordings of music. Does that sound alright? Would you word it differently/put these in different sections?

3) I've run a blog since graduation, is that extra-curricular (I'm not studying so that term doesn't really make sense to me after graduation!)

4) Did you guys put hours/week or total hours? I have one position where I was working with university recruitment, so it was 4 separate days in november 07, march 07, november 08, march 08. What do you guys think I should do with that?!

5) Did you guys put down 'general member' of various clubs? Seems kind of frivolous but I did join a lot of clubs during university. How about annual participation in Terry Fox/Relay For Life (if you include fundraising efforts, these took up quite some time)?

6) I have voluteered at a hospital in 3 different capacities: sept-dec 08, august 09, and sept-present. Putting it in 3 different spots seems like overkill but the roles are different and I'm not sure how to put this down!

7) I got on the dean's list all 4 years which led to graduation 'with distinction', would 'dean's list 4 years' and 'graduation with distinction' as 2 separate entries be redundant? Which should I choose?

8) I wrote for many different newsletters during 4 years of university, how would you put down general writing experience? To put down each newsletter seems like a stretch as each was no more than 5 hours of commitment. But altogether, probably like 30-40 hours were spent writing various articles.


Argh! Sorry for all the questions! I figure it'd be best to ask here though! Gotta make sure this round of applications counts.

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1) no

2) thats good

3) X

4) either can be fine

5) if its important to you

6) same hospital different depratments? its up to you how to split it up, maybe 3 different entries

7) 2 separate entries. (imo)

8) X, one entry, explain in descript


Thanks! Any other advice guys?


9) I have a few committees that I sat on, not much of a time commitment but I was making tough, important decisions. A nominating committee and a committee to allocate funds to science. Think I should include both? Neither?

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