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AUG. 25th MCAT results OUT!


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i overcame the odds... did 3 aamc diagnostics (8/8/10, 9/9/9, 9/8/10) and pulled through with a 10PS/10VR/11BS WS: S!!!!!!!!!!!!! i cried tears of joy and blasted we are the champions by queen on my way home!!


howd everyone do?!?!!?!?


Lol...hopefully they're all as happy as you are. Congrats :)

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13/10/12/S PS/VR/BS/WS (35S)


I'm super surprised I scored so high on the writing. That's what i was worrying about most.


Congrats, I'm happy that you are happy!


thats awesome... have you decided how you're celebrating? im still soaking it all in lol...

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Congrats you guys!


My story wasn't so happy unfortunately :(


I got 8/8/8/R


It makes no sense to me though...I swear I thought I aced BS and VR...I only thougth I screwed up PS...I have no idea how they came so equally screwed...


This really killed my day...I was waiting for this day so much to only cry myself to sleep...


Oh don't be too sad :(

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Congrats you guys!


My story wasn't so happy unfortunately :(


I got 8/8/8/R


It makes no sense to me though...I swear I thought I aced BS and VR...I only thougth I screwed up PS...I have no idea how they came so equally screwed...


This really killed my day...I was waiting for this day so much to only cry myself to sleep...


turn the sadness into anger and when you re write make sure you tear this sonofa***** a new one next round. its a war, not a battle

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COngrats to the people who did well. Glad that many of you people who worked hard got it to work out for you.


I think this is the end of the road for me....its the final nail in the coffin. I did the mcat 4 times now....and it has just kept going down.


#1: 9P, 8V, 10B R

#2: 10P, 9V, 10B R

#3: 10P, 7V, 10B S

#4: 9P, 5V, 10B S


I don't have a good gpa either. 3.16 1st yr, 3.38 2nd, 3.81 3rd and 3.75 4th making an overall 3.51.


I was in soo much hope...I got reference letters from very good professors at my school, prepared very well received answers for my sup. apps. I am 23 yrs old.... starting the second yr of my masters. Maybe i should just give up the dream of ever getting into this medicine. No matter how hard i try....I cannot ..just cannot help but becoming anxious and stressing out during the mcat.


Anyways...I shouldn't bore people here with my story.


Congrats to those who did well. Good luck with your apps guys.



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COngrats to the people who did well. Glad that many of you people who worked hard got it to work out for you.


I think this is the end of the road for me....its the final nail in the coffin. I did the mcat 4 times now....and it has just kept going down.


#1: 9P, 8V, 10B R

#2: 10P, 9V, 10B R

#3: 10P, 7V, 10B S

#4: 9P, 5V, 10B S


I don't have a good gpa either. 3.16 1st yr, 3.38 2nd, 3.81 3rd and 3.75 4th making an overall 3.51.


I was in soo much hope...I got reference letters from very good professors at my school, prepared very well received answers for my sup. apps. I am 23 yrs old.... starting the second yr of my masters. Maybe i should just give up the dream of ever getting into this medicine. No matter how hard i try....I cannot ..just cannot help but becoming anxious and stressing out during the mcat.


Anyways...I shouldn't bore people here with my story.


Congrats to those who did well. Good luck with your apps guys.




there are other countries besides canada ....just throwin it out there. not for everyone but think big if u really want it.

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COngrats to the people who did well. Glad that many of you people who worked hard got it to work out for you.


I think this is the end of the road for me....its the final nail in the coffin. I did the mcat 4 times now....and it has just kept going down.


#1: 9P, 8V, 10B R

#2: 10P, 9V, 10B R

#3: 10P, 7V, 10B S

#4: 9P, 5V, 10B S


I don't have a good gpa either. 3.16 1st yr, 3.38 2nd, 3.81 3rd and 3.75 4th making an overall 3.51.


I was in soo much hope...I got reference letters from very good professors at my school, prepared very well received answers for my sup. apps. I am 23 yrs old.... starting the second yr of my masters. Maybe i should just give up the dream of ever getting into this medicine. No matter how hard i try....I cannot ..just cannot help but becoming anxious and stressing out during the mcat.


Anyways...I shouldn't bore people here with my story.


Congrats to those who did well. Good luck with your apps guys.




Well, how have you prepared for the MCAT each time? It seems like you've had more or less the same result each time, except for the decreasing VR score. If you can pull that VR up, you can be at around a high 20s to 30, which will give you a better shot at getting an interview at some schools.

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COngrats to the people who did well. Glad that many of you people who worked hard got it to work out for you.


I think this is the end of the road for me....its the final nail in the coffin. I did the mcat 4 times now....and it has just kept going down.


#1: 9P, 8V, 10B R

#2: 10P, 9V, 10B R

#3: 10P, 7V, 10B S

#4: 9P, 5V, 10B S


I don't have a good gpa either. 3.16 1st yr, 3.38 2nd, 3.81 3rd and 3.75 4th making an overall 3.51.


I was in soo much hope...I got reference letters from very good professors at my school, prepared very well received answers for my sup. apps. I am 23 yrs old.... starting the second yr of my masters. Maybe i should just give up the dream of ever getting into this medicine. No matter how hard i try....I cannot ..just cannot help but becoming anxious and stressing out during the mcat.


Anyways...I shouldn't bore people here with my story.


Congrats to those who did well. Good luck with your apps guys.




dude... you should just give up on med school

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Congrats you guys!


My story wasn't so happy unfortunately :(


I got 8/8/8/R


It makes no sense to me though...I swear I thought I aced BS and VR...I only thougth I screwed up PS...I have no idea how they came so equally screwed...


This really killed my day...I was waiting for this day so much to only cry myself to sleep...


don't give up hope. like law said you should channel your anger into studying, and getting revenge on the mcat. you have time to plan out a new study schedule and can always re-write. you won't have to study as much the next time either. hope things look better for you in the future


COngrats to the people who did well. Glad that many of you people who worked hard got it to work out for you.


I think this is the end of the road for me....its the final nail in the coffin. I did the mcat 4 times now....and it has just kept going down.


#1: 9P, 8V, 10B R

#2: 10P, 9V, 10B R

#3: 10P, 7V, 10B S

#4: 9P, 5V, 10B S


I don't have a good gpa either. 3.16 1st yr, 3.38 2nd, 3.81 3rd and 3.75 4th making an overall 3.51.


I was in soo much hope...I got reference letters from very good professors at my school, prepared very well received answers for my sup. apps. I am 23 yrs old.... starting the second yr of my masters. Maybe i should just give up the dream of ever getting into this medicine. No matter how hard i try....I cannot ..just cannot help but becoming anxious and stressing out during the mcat.


Anyways...I shouldn't bore people here with my story.


Congrats to those who did well. Good luck with your apps guys.




it seems like VR is what is screwing you over each time...

as for the stress part, that is what is most likely affecting your performance, so maybe you can work on stress management and calming yourself before trying it again. if it's something you really want, you should keep at it. but make sure you have other options open (which you do, with your masters)

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Thanks for responses guys. I am considering maybe transferring into PhD now. If my mcat record could be refreshed some way, I would not give up...but I am trying to be realistic on how schools will look at soo many attempts. US schools are out of question. In Canada, I don't know how they will look at this.


I practiced as hard as I can. I used the Princeton review materials, online prep tests etc... I averaged 8 in verbal on my practice tests. I just didn't know that I could go this bad on the real mcat.

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i think either queens or wester are your schools for your GPA. someone should confirm this, but neither care how many times you do the MCAT. although you need a 10 on VR, which is obviously the hard part.


i must say i feel for you, im rewriting as well and i have a feeling my scores will not cut it again. i realize this is your 4th time writing, and man you must feel pretty low right now. but i would take the time to re-evaluate your goals. if med is what you want, take some time and find a way to make that VR score a 10. you did score a 9 once, so there is hope.


anyways best of luck

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Way to kick someone when they're down. There's really no room for that on this forum. What an absolutely uncalled-for statement.


thats the problem with the net. so easy to be a tough guy. the poster's prolly a wee lil beyatch in real life who gets off online. wouldnt dare say that in real life cause someone would put em down.......and i aint talking verbally either


yup stuff like that really bugs me

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COngrats to the people who did well. Glad that many of you people who worked hard got it to work out for you.


I think this is the end of the road for me....its the final nail in the coffin. I did the mcat 4 times now....and it has just kept going down.


#1: 9P, 8V, 10B R

#2: 10P, 9V, 10B R

#3: 10P, 7V, 10B S

#4: 9P, 5V, 10B S




You only fail when you give up. Don't.


My suggestion is to change your approach. If you don't change your approach you will often get the same result.

Here are a few ideas:

1) take some time off from MCAT preparation; take a vacation if you can. You might feel fresher when you eventually get back to studies.

2) throw away all the prep course materials you've used so far and ask around for what else is out there. There must be something you can use to prep with.

3) find a study buddy

4) work toward building up your confidence and a positive mental attitude: read some motivational materials, listen to motivational audio and go to a seminar. Attitude is everything.

5) if you are religious, get serious in your prayer. Go to your church, mosque etc, and ask the leaders there to pray with you and for you. You could ask the whole congregation to pray: there's power in agreement.

6) read up on metaphysics and learn to visualize things you want: there's power in thought.

7) increase your effort: how many hours per day/week/month did you prep for MCAT? What ever the number of hours you invested were, you will need to incease the quantity. Everyone has a "magic number." That number is the number of hours you need to get a specific result in a specific exam. You are likely putting in a lower # of hours. It's possible to do better.


Read the life story of Col. Sanders (KFC franchise) and Thomas Edison (light bulb) and you realise that success comes just after failure.

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The sad part is I did change my approach. I was using examcrackers materials for the second and third time and the last time, I was finally able to get princeton to reactivate the online component of their course. THis allowed me to go online and do some practice tests/passages online. So often I used to work with the free verbal passages in the princeton website.

On average I used to put in 3h a day minimum in addition to my 8-10h lab work days which also included weekends when I used to work in the lab. I know it isn't much but this is from midnight to 3 or 4 in the morning. ON weekends when there wasn't too much labwork, I used to put in around 6h or so.

Those 3rd and 4th time were done when I had other busy things in the lab and my supervisor didn't care about what else i had to do. The sad part is the experimental animal model I worked on was a fail as well. It wasn't my fault though as my techniques were ok....i guess the model just didn't work as we expected it. Anyways..... no excuse is a valid excuse. I guess we just have to find a way. I had put in a lot of work into my app this year. I guess I'll give ottawa a shot. I know last year's cutoff was 3.85 so I know there isn't too much hope, but there is no point wasting everything i have gathered around this year.

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COngrats to the people who did well. Glad that many of you people who worked hard got it to work out for you.


I think this is the end of the road for me....its the final nail in the coffin. I did the mcat 4 times now....and it has just kept going down.


#1: 9P, 8V, 10B R

#2: 10P, 9V, 10B R

#3: 10P, 7V, 10B S

#4: 9P, 5V, 10B S


I don't have a good gpa either. 3.16 1st yr, 3.38 2nd, 3.81 3rd and 3.75 4th making an overall 3.51.


I was in soo much hope...I got reference letters from very good professors at my school, prepared very well received answers for my sup. apps. I am 23 yrs old.... starting the second yr of my masters. Maybe i should just give up the dream of ever getting into this medicine. No matter how hard i try....I cannot ..just cannot help but becoming anxious and stressing out during the mcat.


Anyways...I shouldn't bore people here with my story.


Congrats to those who did well. Good luck with your apps guys.




This year, in addition to med, im applying to dent and law. It may seem like it sometimes, but med is not the end of the world. I feel sometimes the extreme hype around it from this board (and in other places obv.) makes it seem like the only worthwhile thing to do, and we get caught up in it. I think: med school would be great, but there ARE other important things in life, and there are other careers that are well-paying, academic-oriented, and that make a difference in people's lives, that would make us equally happy if we put our minds to them.

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thats the problem with the net. so easy to be a tough guy. the poster's prolly a wee lil beyatch in real life who gets off online. wouldnt dare say that in real life cause someone would put em down.......and i aint talking verbally either


yup stuff like that really bugs me


I fear for the future patients of that individual. Why anyone would be so heartless to another poster for absolutely no reason is beyond me. Makes me wonder, maybe it wouldn't be so bad if the MCAT started doing some personality testing in addition to the meaty stuff. :P

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The sad part is I did change my approach. I was using examcrackers materials for the second and third time and the last time, I was finally able to get princeton to reactivate the online component of their course. THis allowed me to go online and do some practice tests/passages online. So often I used to work with the free verbal passages in the princeton website.

On average I used to put in 3h a day minimum in addition to my 8-10h lab work days which also included weekends when I used to work in the lab. I know it isn't much but this is from midnight to 3 or 4 in the morning. ON weekends when there wasn't too much labwork, I used to put in around 6h or so.

Those 3rd and 4th time were done when I had other busy things in the lab and my supervisor didn't care about what else i had to do. The sad part is the experimental animal model I worked on was a fail as well. It wasn't my fault though as my techniques were ok....i guess the model just didn't work as we expected it. Anyways..... no excuse is a valid excuse. I guess we just have to find a way. I had put in a lot of work into my app this year. I guess I'll give ottawa a shot. I know last year's cutoff was 3.85 so I know there isn't too much hope, but there is no point wasting everything i have gathered around this year.


Hey, I really feel for you man. It seems to me like your problem may be that you're too busy while studying for the MCAT, and a lack of sleep. I know for VR, even when you do a whole bunch of practice, it's difficult to learn from them unless you're mentally rested. Studying after midnight doesn't seem like a very great strategy to me. I would take a year off, maybe take an English literature course to keep up your reading/writing skills, and then take at least 3 weeks off just to study for the MCAT. You can do it!

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