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Number of sketch activities

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Everyone has their own approach...


I ended up listing 6-8 individual intramural sports teams/clubs I was on.


They all were roughly a few hours a week for a few months only but I felt the fact that I had done all of them showed my interest in sports. I wouldn't talk about any single one of them on their own but collectively I feel they represent a larger activity. I also felt the significance would have been lost if I just listed intramural sports for 3 years rather than explain the diversity.


On the other hand there were certain small things I didn't list because they were quite isolated and didn't last long at all.


As long as one exercising some judgment and has a purpose for listing the activities they listed I'm sure everyone will be fine.

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OMG, how are you all able to fill in so many spaces?! I just wrote out all the activities I could put in my ABS and it came to a grand total of 17, and that was really stretching it, as in I listed being on the dean's list and entrance scholarships. I already have seven different EC's that I take part in on a weekly basis though so I don't know how I could do anymore and still keep up my gpa/have a social life. All are activities that I genuinely enjoy and am passionate about (research, working w/ special needs adults, tutoring children, mentoring, etc), and I always just figured that this would be seen as better than having a bunch of resume fillers or short-term activities. It seems though that most of you have at least 25 quality listings. I have no idea how to compete with that lol.


i think all of those are volunteering (except research)


what did you do out of your interest (for yourself as an extra curricular--sports, interests, etc.)


why didnt you put those...

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Everything I do is out of my own interest...I find it impossible to do anything that I do not enjoy lol. I got into the pre-med game a bit late though, I originally wanted to go into law so I had no ECs/volunteering in first and most of second year (I was counting on being a presumptive admit- they only look at your LSAT score and grades). I'm not applying to med school until next year though, so I will be able to add a few things (international volunteering next summer hopefully, more research)...I was just listing everything in microsoft word lol.



Anyways I was really just looking for an idea of the kinds of activities that other people are putting, but thanks for your response!


ah, well then you're forgetting there are sections for employment and education as well (filled up probably like 8 spots for me)

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  • 3 weeks later...

For the activities we are listing, do they have to be completed at the time the application is due or could we fill in something that you just started but will continue doing for the remainder of the year? Say for example you applied for an exec position on a school club and you will be the president or VP from sept - april, would you still be able to put that on the application?

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  • 1 year later...

Wow, you guys are amazing. I barely got 23-24. However, I am relying on quality, as the OPs have said.


Just FYI, another guy I knew had 13--not only did he get into queens, but that same ABS got him an interview at harvard!!! This gives me hope that quality>quantity

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