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Thank you notes?


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After my first interview, I did snail mail. Every interview since I've done emails since snail mail takes over a week at times, and I didn't like the idea of my interviewers sending in their evaluations or meeting with the committee thinking I hadn't sent one. I don't think it really matters either way though.

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I will throw in my 0.02$:


-As others have said, the thank you note will not make or break your application, people get accepted with and without them


-The thank you note is just a common courtesy. Dont use it to try and highlight your strengths etc. since they will see it as a ploy.


-For me the bottom line is this: if an interviewer gets 10 thank you cards after interviewing 20 people... wouldnt you want to be one of those 10? ... You only want to go through this once so dont put yourself in a position to be wondering later on whether it made a difference.

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Did anyone send them? If so what'd you put on them? Snail mail or email?



My take on thank you notes:


- I wrote thank you notes to all my interviewers

- Sent via email, usually the day after my interview (so they still remembered me!)

- Asked for their email at the end of the interview just in case I had further questions (but many of my interviewers gave me their business card with their contact information before I even asked!)

- Only a few sentences

- Thanked the interviewer for their time and consideration in 1-2 sentences

- Reiterated my interest in the school in about 1-2 sentences

- All my interviewers replied via email to say thanks for sending a thank you letter...lol.

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My take on thank you notes:


- I wrote thank you notes to all my interviewers

- Sent via email, usually the day after my interview (so they still remembered me!)

- Asked for their email at the end of the interview just in case I had further questions (but many of my interviewers gave me their business card with their contact information before I even asked!)

- Only a few sentences

- Thanked the interviewer for their time and consideration in 1-2 sentences

- Reiterated my interest in the school in about 1-2 sentences

- All my interviewers replied via email to say thanks for sending a thank you letter...lol.


+1 on all of that. I'm convinced sending thank you notes doesn't really matter that much. But like justletmein said, you might as well just fire off a quick email so you aren't sitting there at the end of the app season wondering if it was an unsent thank you note that messed up your chances at a particular school.

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