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ophthalmology Calls ,need some tips

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Hello everyone,

Happy VD to everyone! I was just wondering about a few facts regarding ophthalmology

1. Would all the ophthos have to operate in hospital or they can operate in their clinics?

2. Would most of the ophtho revenue come from government (fee for service)?

3. Some have mentioned before that Ophtho who do cataract surgeries make 1 M /yr.. but if you look at the numbers from different source , their max salary is half of that even.. much lower than DI .. any comment ?

4. How are the calls for the residents? Are they as tens as other specialties like radiology

5. I am having a very very hard time to choose between radiology and ophthalmology and I do not really know how to make up my mind..any tips?


Thank you all for your help!


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What appeals to you regarding each of these two fields? I can think of at least several differences:


Breadth - radiology deals with nearly every area of medicine, while ophthalmology is very focused

Primary responsibility for patients - radiologists are primarily consultants to other physicians, while ophthalmologists have their own patients

Workday - other than interventionalists, radiology involves minimal time seeing patients in clinics. There are procedures, but not in the OR.

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Hi dreamo, I can only talk about Radiology, though i am not a resident yet...

through my electives and buddy calls, I can say that calls for radiology is pretty busy and desponds on the center , you may not sleep at all. I think you are going to have a hard time making up your mind, since both are pretty rewarding and interesting professions. I guess u should think what is going to make you happy in a long run.. One may have harder residency than the other one but this may change as a staff. I agree that with the recent stats radiologists are getting pay in a pretty high range . I was actually surprised too. I have always thought the ophthalmologists would bill much higher ! Good luck with your pick.. I guess u have to make up ur mind pretty soon


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Ahh Dreamo...another greedy bastard that wants the good life with lots of cash. :-) Good luck with radiology or ophtho


Hello everyone,

Happy VD to everyone! I was just wondering about a few facts regarding ophthalmology

1. Would all the ophthos have to operate in hospital or they can operate in their clinics?

2. Would most of the ophtho revenue come from government (fee for service)?

3. Some have mentioned before that Ophtho who do cataract surgeries make 1 M /yr.. but if you look at the numbers from different source , their max salary is half of that even.. much lower than DI .. any comment ?

4. How are the calls for the residents? Are they as tens as other specialties like radiology

5. I am having a very very hard time to choose between radiology and ophthalmology and I do not really know how to make up my mind..any tips?


Thank you all for your help!


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Very interesting article. There are a few figures that made me wonder !

1. I would think that Radiologist has a private practice to bill 2.5 million and if that is the case, then the net salary would be way lower than that b/c of high overhead cost.

2. The other thing is the fact the they have grouped the average salary of Radiologist with the pathologist.. At least, in Ontario Radiology actually had the highest salary figure in 2008.

3. I have to agree with the fact that income has a huge impact on medical students when it comes to choosing their specialty. Though, I would think it would be really hard to work in an area that some one absolutely hate just for the sale of money. But I guess never say never..

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