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Question about full course load

Guest NAMtest

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Guest NAMtest

I am currently starting McGill this fall and I made a schedule however because I had already done Org2 in cegep, i don't have to take it in university.


However in my program there is a lab course with only 2 credits, which would have been supplemented with org2 which is 4 credits to make 6 credits for the two classes, however i replaced org2 with a class that is only 3 credits.


Now I have a fall semester which has 5 courses but only 14 credits (the rest should be all 15 credits), I was wondering if McGill Med accepts this as a full course load or will i need to add another class in there.


Thank You for your help.

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Guest 1984MD

I was in the same situation in my first year (I was in microbio my first year which has a 2 credit lab like the one you mentioned). Apparently, there is no problem with taking 14 credits as long as you have 30 credits for the full year (winter+Fall). I think you need to include an explanation for this with your application. I tend to be overly paranoid and didn't want anything counting against me in my application (not that the 14 credits in one semester would do that , but anyways...) so I took an extra course that semester. I picked a really easy class that didn't add much to my course load but gave me over 15 credits. There are lots of these: world of chem, Chem 199 (a first year seminar, highly recommended!!!), art of listening, basic materials of western music, etc.....).

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