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Orientation and Start of first year

Guest dfenst

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Guest dfenst

Can anyone share with the incoming students what orientation will be like? Also, if there was something you know now that you wished you had known when you started your first year, can you let us know? Thanks :)

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Guest ender

orientation week should be fairly fun and relaxing! the first day there is registration in the morning (includes a long obliogatory line up to meet the dean for 2 seconds, confirm your presence to the administration, and go through some info booths - such as financial aid, library info etc). Last year we had a bbq after that organized by the med-2s (i'm sure we'll do something similar for you folks this year). Then there's a few of interesting talks about mcgill in the afternoon, including a speech by the dean, and the history of mcgill. These were quite interesting.


The next few days are probably listed as 'obligatory' on your acceptance letter/package, but are actually just a bunch of activities organized by the med-2s to give you all a chance to meet each other (soccer games, scavenger hunts, pub crawls etc.). I highly recommend going to as much of this as you can. Its a great chance to meet people, and the BEST thing you can do is be as friendly and open with each other as you can (not just for oritentation week, but for as long as you can be, since with such a big class size you will keep meeting new people for a couple of months even). The degree to which you enjoy classes will definitely increase if you have a bunch of great friends to go to them with. Our class seems to get along extremely well and (i think) we all have a pretty good time. [small note - the one obligatory thing to do during these few days is get a new student id - takes 5-10 min., you will be getting info on that from the administration].


Last day is another actual obligatory day. You will get your course notes, and get a brief overview of the 1st year and a half from all 8 unit coordinators (probably including some poetry), and hear from other important people like the associate dean.


In general there will be lots of people around for you to ask questions from (mostly med-2's, but also maybe upper year students). The whole point is to relax, have fun and meet your classmates!!!




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