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Interview invites!!

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They could be done with regrets. There would be no reason to skip today then send more out on Friday. They may have had lots of complaints but I'm sure they can multi-task, we all do.


I think we see the invites tomorrow, just my opinion.


I like your opinion (for obvious reasons), I guess we won't know for sure until the 23rd...

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They could be done with regrets. There would be no reason to skip today then send more out on Friday. They may have had lots of complaints but I'm sure they can multi-task, we all do.


I think we see the invites tomorrow, just my opinion.


This makes sense. Send out all the rejections, deal with all the issues and incorporate people changed to receive an interview and send them all out together to eliminate confusion on those who are querying issues. At least, logically it makes sense, but they could be doing any number of things for any reason.

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They could be done with regrets. There would be no reason to skip today then send more out on Friday. They may have had lots of complaints but I'm sure they can multi-task, we all do.


I think we see the invites tomorrow, just my opinion.


They got enough emails complaining about the new AQ system to warrant sending out a mass email about how they won't be responding to individual emails. But that shouldn't have taken more than a few clicks of the mouse. The email was pretty useless IMO, and I received it even though I didn't complain.

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Wait what was that email about? I didn't receive it.


Did you get regrets no interview? I got the email from them around 11ish, but I hadn't emailed them to complain so I presumed it was a mass email...


It just talked about how the changes to the AQ scoring had dramatic results on the AQ scores. It said that the new system was applied to all applicants, and that the AQ scores are correct if your GPA calculates on the OAS system are correct.

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Premed Island Season 5 tomorrow guys. I am sorry to hear that a lot of you received a rejection letter. I got choke-slammed, slapped across my face (my face with full of zit scars), and received a serious wedge (emotionally speaking) post-interview last year so I really know how you guys feel right now. But when I look back, it was a needed experience because it really humbled me and made me appreciate the profession of a physician as a sacred and solemn calling. All I can say is keep on trying and look ahead instead of looking back as most of you are pretty young and still have the energy and potential to pursue and accomplish your goals.


By the way, I was so bitter for two weeks after the results came out last year that my parents forced me to go on an "adventurous" journey so that they didn't have to look at my gloomy face compounded by dark zit scars. Hopefully, I am not like that this year should I not get an interview.

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They could be done with regrets. There would be no reason to skip today then send more out on Friday. They may have had lots of complaints but I'm sure they can multi-task, we all do.


I think we see the invites tomorrow, just my opinion.


First time poster (long time lurker)


I was feeling kind of upset that they sent out nothing today (still waiting for a status update - IP) but this post made me feel a lot better and more optimistic :)

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First time poster (long time lurker)


I was feeling kind of upset that they sent out nothing today (still waiting for a status update - IP) but this post made me feel a lot better and more optimistic :)


hopefully it's good news from here on out....

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no news on my end either...


crazy day in portage though... snow + wind + driving down dark roads = win


perhaps today was quiet because they were compiling a mass email list to go out tomorrow... i suppose we will know more tomorrow... hopefully.


maybe they are just following the forums and watching and laughing at our anxiety... =( what a cruel game

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Does anyone think that they now consider course load when calculating AQ?


It seems like even a straight percentile based bell curve using GPA% doesn't correlate to the values that have been posted so far.


I think there is a variable we are missing here.


I had that thought too.


I posted earlier today a score that should have been very similar to mine, but I was about 0.4 higher somehow- and my average course load per term is over 6, I think.

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Oh my, what brings you to portage?? I have spent lots of time there...and let's just say I'm not jealous of you right now!! :P


my job brings me to portage... social work... it's certainly colder here than in vancouver... thankfully, the rental car i have handled well and i made it back to my hotel safely. busy day tomorrow driving all over the area and flying back to vancouver in the afternoon.

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I'm just hoping they're done with rejections. It would be a miracle if my NAQ score was high enough to get that 27.40. I don't believe in God, but I have been looking up at the sky these past few days. :P


I've been going through the exact same thing lol... I think at this point, I do need some kind of divine intervention to get me through to the next stage

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Hopefully we will all know by Friday so we can enjoy our time or recover over the weekend.


Safe to say that during this week of waiting, I was not as productive as I would have liked to be.


Thankfully it was just a "keep up with material" sort of week.

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I had that thought too.


I posted earlier today a score that should have been very similar to mine, but I was about 0.4 higher somehow- and my average course load per term is over 6, I think.


That is very interesting. I havent done a statistical analysis so I guess we won't know for sure.


There is another reason for my speculation. They changed AQ scoring. Seemingly removing the 85% cap to get 25 aq. This would heavily benefit applicants in relatively easy degree programs. I think, to compensate, they now factor in course load.

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I was under the impression that you needed a full course load for the year to be considered in the gpa calculation? Perhaps I am mistaken. What's a full course load for you guys? For my school it's a 5 courses per term but there was one term where I took 6...so you are suggesting I would be "advantaged" if I take more courses?

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