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Hi cerena, the wieght loss is prolly just the dehydration factor kicking in lol. (All the water weight you lost during your run). But its great to run to releive stress.


Oh I don't mean immediate weight loss, like the day after or even the first week I start to run. I mean within the first month of running. My waist size goes down, tummy gets toned, etc.

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I used to run for an hour each day (usually covered about 7-8km) and then my knee got messed up. Ever since then I couldn't run for more than 5 min. This pretty much destroyed my dreams of running at regionals


For those who run a lot, make sure you take a break and listen to your body. :P

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I love it...it's so liberating - especially when you think back to the "sitting on your butt days" and laugh at yourself for not knowing that running can be so enjoyable. I normally do 5-7 k outside (love it in the summer especially) or at least 30 min at a good pace on the track, at least 3 times a week. I hope my body will let me do it until the day I die.

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i just ran a mile


did 3 rope climbs (20 foot rope)


and then 21 thrusters and pull ups, 15 thrusters and pull ups and then 9 thrusters and pull ups. i nearly died... but it felt amazing.


oh, and for those that don't know- a thruster is where you take a barbell and have it resting on the space above your chest and on your shoulders (like a front squat) and then squat down come back up from the squat and press it up like a shoulder press... just a beauty.

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i just ran a mile


did 3 rope climbs (20 foot rope)


and then 21 thrusters and pull ups, 15 thrusters and pull ups and then 9 thrusters and pull ups. i nearly died... but it felt amazing.


oh, and for those that don't know- a thruster is where you take a barbell and have it resting on the space above your chest and on your shoulders (like a front squat) and then squat down come back up from the squat and press it up like a shoulder press... just a beauty.


You should have just let us guess what they were. Truth ruined it. :D


I did my C25K again today-

5min brisk walk warm up

60-sec "jog" 90-sec walk repeats

Do it until you hit 20 min


BTW- a lot of runners feel the same way about the word "jog" as us here feel about the word "premed"... :)


It's a good program to keep me from pushng too hard right now. I'm happy.

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You should have just let us guess what they were. Truth ruined it. :D


I did my C25K again today-

5min brisk walk warm up

60-sec "jog" 90-sec walk repeats

Do it until you hit 20 min


BTW- a lot of runners feel the same way about the word "jog" as us here feel about the word "premed"... :)


It's a good program to keep me from pushng too hard right now. I'm happy.


is that a soft j? i think it's yogging?


also, i felt that telling people what a thruster was would save me some trouble of people thinking i'm a pervert


p.s. you are supposed to thrust your hips forward whilst doing said move...

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I've run two half marathons and done a few other smallish races. Going to start training again for the scotia half and then if I get into the NYC marathon I'll do that.


Crossfit has some random runs, but nothing gets your blood pumping like a 20+k run.


I go through phases of running, but I find I am so more efficient in every other facet of my life when I start the day with a run. Surprisingly I like the treadmill, I run outside also, but I like that I can set a pace and take away the option of slowing down (I've never been good at pacing myself).


Out of interest do you need to qualify for the NYC? If so what is the cut off?

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I go through phases of running, but I find I am so more efficient in every other facet of my life when I start the day with a run. Surprisingly I like the treadmill, I run outside also, but I like that I can set a pace and take away the option of slowing down (I've never been good at pacing myself).


Out of interest do you need to qualify for the NYC? If so what is the cut off?


i just entered the lottery. i thnk they have some qualification junk and also options like if you've entered the lottery 3x previously and didn't get in you are guaranteed a spot on your 4th try. my goal was to use nyc as a launching pad for boston, but i just don't think i can run a 3h5m full marathon... it's so fast. i'd imagine the cut offs for nyc wouldn't be as high as boston, but they'd be somewhere near it... it's a pretty big race.


they have a fundraising option where you can join as a fundraising team, and then set whatever limit you want for your group... but i've already fundraised so much over the last two years i just can't keep asking people for money. if i were homeless i'd be the lazy one who doesn't even bother asking for change... just props a sign up and slumps beside it.

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I go through phases of running, but I find I am so more efficient in every other facet of my life when I start the day with a run. Surprisingly I like the treadmill, I run outside also, but I like that I can set a pace and take away the option of slowing down (I've never been good at pacing myself).



When I went back to school I decided I wouldn't set a training schedule at all- I would just run/gym/bike if I felt like it. In my last year I signed up for a race and I HAD to stick to a training schedule.

I used to think that my productive time stopped around 5pm, so I tried to do much of my training (or at least my second workout) around 430pm.

As soon as I started doing that, BOOM, I suddenly had about 3 more hours of productivity in the afternoon after my workout.

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I did a run with my clinic last night:


3 mins jogging

1 min running



Our clinic instructor wants us to run really slow, which I'm finding difficult. After we finished the run, I felt like I could keep going.


What about this foam roller? Can someone tell me more about that?

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I did a run with my clinic last night:


3 mins jogging

1 min running



Our clinic instructor wants us to run really slow, which I'm finding difficult. After we finished the run, I felt like I could keep going.


What about this foam roller? Can someone tell me more about that?


foam rollers are godsends. help with tight muscles/IT band issues... some friends of mine have names for their foam rollers- like paco the foam roller...


a member of the running group i (sometimes) attend is currently undergoing an overhaul with regards to her fitness/running. her personal trainer has made her run in zone 1 heart rate (which is freaking low) for the last couple of months... trying to retrain her body at a really slow pace so that she can build up her fitness and running endurance properly... i feel for her because it's almost like a waste of time.

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foam rollers are godsends. help with tight muscles/IT band issues... some friends of mine have names for their foam rollers- like paco the foam roller...


a member of the running group i (sometimes) attend is currently undergoing an overhaul with regards to her fitness/running. her personal trainer has made her run in zone 1 heart rate (which is freaking low) for the last couple of months... trying to retrain her body at a really slow pace so that she can build up her fitness and running endurance properly... i feel for her because it's almost like a waste of time.

100% agree with the bolded part.
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