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I haven't seen anyone post a rejection... is it normal for Ottawa to send out only interviews first, then rejections later? After getting rejected by UofT I'm getting a sense of dread here...


there generally is a split - but i think they are still sending out invites at this point (?)

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there generally is a split - but i think they are still sending out invites at this point (?)


I hope they're still sending them out. But based on the time stamps/last names/applicant pool of the people posting, I just can't see any rhyme or reason to it, unless they've all gone out already. Maybe every few minutes they pick 20 names from a hat and send a batch email. That would be fun!

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I hope they're still sending them out. But based on the time stamps/last names/applicant pool of the people posting, I just can't see any rhyme or reason to it, unless they've all gone out already. Maybe every few minutes they pick 20 names from a hat and send a batch email. That would be fun!


For all we know the sender went for a mid morning coffee break - Hang in there we will know soon!

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" your application did not meet the eligibility requirements for application, due to the missing three years equivalent of full-time university studies"


which seems odd as I completed my undergrad full-time with Co-Op.... maybe they don't count the summer terms as full time?

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" your application did not meet the eligibility requirements for application, due to the missing three years equivalent of full-time university studies"


which seems odd as I completed my undergrad full-time with Co-Op.... maybe they don't count the summer terms as full time?


because of the work/school/work/school cycle, I wouldn't have actually completed 3 calendar years where I took 2 full time semesters... what a waste of money to apply to Ottawa if they didn't realize I was still in a full-time program :(

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wGPA: 3.88

OOP, outside Ottawa, English stream


my ec's were good enough for mac and queens but urgh :( this justt ruins itttttttt i realli had hopes for ottawa :( realli sucks ...


Mac doesn't look at ECs


EDIT: someone correct me if I'm wrong on the above. Also, rmorelan: does Western use the ABS at all??

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wGPA: 3.76

In Ottawa


At a loss. Made the gpa cutoff but ABS wasn't good enough. Hundreds of hours of hospital volunteering, same thing for distress centre. Publications, poster presentations, lab work, musician, team sports, awards/scholarships, NSERC, OGS, etc. Bummed!

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