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feeling a bit stressed out right now.


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Take it one day at a time. Actually, write a list of things to do and take it one task at a time. Stressing yourself is not worth it. I do this to myself and have gotten ulcers (I know they are caused by H. pylori, but I still get ulcers when I am stressed), lost hair, sleep, weight... it can be pretty overwhelming. But just try to be as efficient with your time as you can and pace yourself or else the tasks you need to do will consume you and eat you up. If you'd like some more advice, feel free to PM me :)

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Take it one day at a time. Actually, write a list of things to do and take it one task at a time. Stressing yourself is not worth it. I do this to myself and have gotten ulcers (I know they are caused by H. pylori, but I still get ulcers when I am stressed), lost hair, sleep, weight... it can be pretty overwhelming. But just try to be as efficient with your time as you can and pace yourself or else the tasks you need to do will consume you and eat you up. If you'd like some more advice, feel free to PM me :)

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Make a schedule of short term goals and stick to it. Also, make sure you take breaks instead of trying to power through all your work. That'll just lead to burn out.


Yes, two thumbs up for this.

I try to work 1 hour, solid, and then take a decent (15 min?) break. I find I can get through so much more that way and can continue working for a longer period of time.


I will be employing said strategy this reading week while I complete FOUR assignment and prepare for an interview. Wish me luck!!

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