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What is easier? Becoming a Medical Doctor or Dental Surgeon

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in your title it says "easier"

in your post it says "better"

For both terms, what do both of these terms mean to you?


I am in a crisis cuz I dont actually know what I want to become. Now, I got into Uni of my choice to do undergrads. Now I have to decide what courses do I take, for that I need to know what is better, a Doctor or Dentist?
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dentistry is cool (now that i get to see the stuff they do, i use to think it was lame), plus you're done fast (you don't care when you start undergrad but i'm a tad bit jealous at this point), the pay is good, and you don't have to volunteer, just get good marks... if u like the easy life go into dentistry for sure



LOL, if it is better, it must be easy (in comparison) and I have heard MD needs lots of dedication and hard work like residency years, long weeks of placements. But not that many hurdles in becoming a Dentist, not that I ve heard of.
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easy is a relative though ;), of course the op have to work hard, but working to become a cardio-thorasic surgeon is a bit harder/longer than being a dentist or fam doc


you just want the easy way out eh? hate to break it to you bud, but both is difficult to get into. if you want to be either one of those two, you will have to work in university. which is a world different than high school, mind you.
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I am in a crisis cuz I dont actually know what I want to become. Now, I got into Uni of my choice to do undergrads. Now I have to decide what courses do I take, for that I need to know what is better, a Doctor or Dentist?



Welcome to the board. You've found the best source in Canada for information about applying to medical and dental programs. All of the information you could possibly need is here -- you just need to dig a little and look through some old posts. Since your question ultimately relates to how the *rest of your life* is going to play out it would be a really good idea for you to spend a few hours reading.


You also need to give some serious thought to _why_ you want to be a physician, surgeon or dentist. As others have pointed out, "better" means different things to different people. Right now you're coming across as being a little unfocused, and could very well only want to be "Dr lolcat" because mommy and daddy want you to be a doctor. Or because it sounds impressive when making restaurant reservations.


Do some reading, do some thinking and then ask your questions.

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Welcome to the board. You've found the best source in Canada for information about applying to medical and dental programs. All of the information you could possibly need is here -- you just need to dig a little and look through some old posts. Since your question ultimately relates to how the *rest of your life* is going to play out it would be a really good idea for you to spend a few hours reading.


You also need to give some serious thought to _why_ you want to be a physician, surgeon or dentist. As others have pointed out, "better" means different things to different people. Right now you're coming across as being a little unfocused, and could very well only want to be "Dr lolcat" because mommy and daddy want you to be a doctor. Or because it sounds impressive when making restaurant reservations.


Do some reading, do some thinking and then ask your questions.



I agree with this. You shouldn't go into something just because its "easier" to get in or its "easier" work. Instead its best to go with your interests and just know that if you really motivated and determined to get into either med or dent, you can do it. Also do you really want to be stuck in a boring job for the rest of your life just because you chose the "easiest" way out? Don't settle for something. (Not saying that med or dent is boring, in my opinion they are both excellent and exciting fields).


If you want a basic understanding of their differences, search for previous threads outlining the differences in terms of competencies, lifestyle, etc. There are definitely one or two in the dentistry folder. If you want a deeper understanding of the differences, expose yourself to the two fields (eg. shadowing, research, volunteer, etc).

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i agree, but i think you have to find a compromise between the life you want to live outside your career and your career interests, for some people, that's exclusively their career interests, others focus on their lives, while others find what they're looking for in the middle somewhere


I agree with this. You shouldn't go into something just because its "easier" to get in or its "easier" work. Instead its best to go with your interests and just know that if you really motivated and determined to get into either med or dent, you can do it. Also do you really want to be stuck in a boring job for the rest of your life just because you chose the "easiest" way out? Don't settle for something. (Not saying that med or dent is boring, in my opinion they are both excellent and exciting fields).


If you want a basic understanding of their differences, search for previous threads outlining the differences in terms of competencies, lifestyle, etc. There are definitely one or two in the dentistry folder. If you want a deeper understanding of the differences, expose yourself to the two fields (eg. shadowing, research, volunteer, etc).

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  • 3 months later...

thanks for replies.


I have planned for a career in Dentisty, but I have my options open till 3rd year in Uni to go for family doctor too.


@If I wanted to search other threads, I would myself, in fact I continuously do so frequently. So If there is no answer and ur going to tell me to use the search function, I say Thank You, but plz dont reply when u have only that to say.

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Welcome to the board. You've found the best source in Canada for information about applying to medical and dental programs. All of the information you could possibly need is here -- you just need to dig a little and look through some old posts. Since your question ultimately relates to how the *rest of your life* is going to play out it would be a really good idea for you to spend a few hours reading.


You also need to give some serious thought to _why_ you want to be a physician, surgeon or dentist. As others have pointed out, "better" means different things to different people. Right now you're coming across as being a little unfocused, and could very well only want to be "Dr lolcat" because mommy and daddy want you to be a doctor. Or because it sounds impressive when making restaurant reservations.


Do some reading, do some thinking and then ask your questions.


^ He's right. Nothing is easy, this isn't high school and you haven't even touched university yet so why even bother making a thread about going into dentistry or medicine?


I hate to break it to you, but be happy if you get into either. Admission into dentistry is as hard as medicine or even harder because of the prerequisites + you need a extremely high GPA (higher than med) + interviews skills. My suggestion is to do 3 years of undergrad and come back and make this thread again when you decide to apply, no high school student should be asking this question if they havn't even seen the university competition yet.

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It has been said before, but I will say it again... Do you see yourself doing anything other than medicine (ie Dental stuff?)? Do that. If you can't possibly see yourself doing anything else, do medicine.


The idea with this oft-repeated idea is that medicine takes too much out of you to just do it on a whim. I haven't been there yet, but many say that you have to be 100% into meds to make it worth it. Many get into medicine who aren't in it 100% but they seem to become cynics.

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