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I was very impressed. I found the MMI questions to be much more stimulating and interesting than what Queens' had. Except one station, but I probably shouldn't go into detail about it.


However, that doesn't change the fact that a 3 year program is a dealbreaker for me, so Mac is still my last choice.

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'Classic mac' is just based on previous years...every school has their own quirks in the way they run the day and the types of questions asked, and while schools like queen's are completely revamping their interviews and calgary decided to ask super long mmi questions this year, mac was status quo.

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I have to agree with Broccoli's comments.


How did everyone feel about the first year medical students at mac? I felt they were welcoming BUT I do see where the criticism about their program comes from now.


Although throughout the Q&A period there were those students who absolutely knew what they were talking about, others seemed very laid back about being in Medical School and were frequently lavishing the fact that they chose not to go to any of the lectures (which are optional) and did minimal amounts of work. I also felt that some of the questions asked by the students weren't answered adequately. And I was personally quite shocked that one of the Medical students admitted to not knowing that the 3-year program can be extended to a 4 year program.


I personally think PBL is great!!!! If you are mature and motivated and know what it is you want out of Medical School, I feel that McMaster will allow you to become a great Physician.

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I have to agree with Broccoli's comments.


How did everyone feel about the first year medical students at mac? I felt they were welcoming BUT I do see where the criticism about their program comes from now.


Although throughout the Q&A period there were those students who absolutely knew what they were talking about, others seemed very laid back about being in Medical School and were frequently lavishing the fact that they chose not to go to any of the lectures (which are optional) and did minimal amounts of work. I also felt that some of the questions asked by the students weren't answered adequately. And I was personally quite shocked that one of the Medical students admitted to not knowing that the 3-year program can be extended to a 4 year program.


I personally think PBL is great!!!! If you are mature and motivated and know what it is you want out of Medical School, I feel that McMaster will allow you to become a great Physician.


In their defence on the 4-year program--this option is RARELY taken, and I would say fewer than 60% of the class are aware of it. The extra year is called an "enrichment year" between pre-clerkship and clerkship. Basically, it is a year of research.


Only 3 people in the class did this in my year (it was 2 the previous year), and they were people looking at ultra-competative specialties. No one really wants to take a year off, not graduate with their class, and do research (which they pretty much could have done before medical school) it just isnt appealing.


That being said, I am not surprised about the laid back first years. This does change in clerkship.

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^^ Is the enrichment year exclusively used for research? A lot of students in 4-year programs do summer electives - Can a mac student spend their enrichment year doing electives instead of research? I can see why this option is rarely (if ever) taken, but is it possible?

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^^ Is the enrichment year exclusively used for research? A lot of students in 4-year programs do summer electives - Can a mac student spend their enrichment year doing electives instead of research? I can see why this option is rarely (if ever) taken, but is it possible?


No, it must be for research. You are permitted to spend 40% of your time (or less) doing clinical work to supplement your research--but this is doing things like collecting data from patients, interviewing patients about the research topic


I think the reason for this rule is so you dont get 20 students doing a full year of plastics electives. But the rule is, no electives, and clinical work must be related to research topic, and must comprise under 40% of your time

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I have to agree with Broccoli's comments.


How did everyone feel about the first year medical students at mac? I felt they were welcoming BUT I do see where the criticism about their program comes from now.


Although throughout the Q&A period there were those students who absolutely knew what they were talking about, others seemed very laid back about being in Medical School and were frequently lavishing the fact that they chose not to go to any of the lectures (which are optional) and did minimal amounts of work. I also felt that some of the questions asked by the students weren't answered adequately. And I was personally quite shocked that one of the Medical students admitted to not knowing that the 3-year program can be extended to a 4 year program.


I personally think PBL is great!!!! If you are mature and motivated and know what it is you want out of Medical School, I feel that McMaster will allow you to become a great Physician.


When was your interview? I defintely did not get that vibe this morning...

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Yesterday afternoon. When I spoke to some other applicants, they got similar vibes. To each his/her own I suppose.



+1. I interviewed in the same slot and felt the same way.


My student host kept bragging about how he/she has only attended lecture once this year when I asked about workload. I also didn't get clear answers from my hosts regarding some of my other questions.


All in all, still a great school. I just didn't get the right vibe. Could have simply been my timeslot.

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+1. I interviewed in the same slot and felt the same way.


My student host kept bragging about how he/she has only attended lecture once this year when I asked about workload. I also didn't get clear answers from my hosts regarding some of my other questions.


All in all, still a great school. I just didn't get the right vibe. Could have simply been my timeslot.


I guess it depended on what students you got. I felt that ours answered all of our questions completely, and while they mentioned that the academic schedule is very flexible, they emphasized that they still work hard.

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Hey guys,


I'm sorry to hear that! I think that's a pretty big misrepresentation of our class - I know there are some people who coast pre-clerkship (and probably pay for it in clerkship!), but most people go to lecture or watch them online if they don't.


If you have questions still, you can always ask us here - there are loads of current Mac students floating around.


I hosted this afternoon and loved meeting all the applicants!

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Hey guys,


I'm sorry to hear that! I think that's a pretty big misrepresentation of our class - I know there are some people who coast pre-clerkship (and probably pay for it in clerkship!), but most people go to lecture or watch them online if they don't.


If you have questions still, you can always ask us here - there are loads of current Mac students floating around.


I hosted this afternoon and loved meeting all the applicants!


I thought you guys did pretty well. I came in feeling rather neutral towards Mac and I came out afraid that I was going to get my heart broken...

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Hey guys,


I'm sorry to hear that! I think that's a pretty big misrepresentation of our class - I know there are some people who coast pre-clerkship (and probably pay for it in clerkship!), but most people go to lecture or watch them online if they don't.


If you have questions still, you can always ask us here - there are loads of current Mac students floating around.


I hosted this afternoon and loved meeting all the applicants!


+1 I was an actor today and yesterday and had a blast! I was (for the most part) VERY impressed with the interviewees.

I'm sorry to hear that some people didn't have a good experience with their hosts but I hope you enjoyed your day at Mac for the most part. We loved having you. We'd love to answer any other questions you have!

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+1 I was an actor today and yesterday and had a blast! I was (for the most part) VERY impressed with the interviewees.

I'm sorry to hear that some people didn't have a good experience with their hosts but I hope you enjoyed your day at Mac for the most part. We loved having you. We'd love to answer any other questions you have!


Are you by any chance a female of Asian descent (i.e. brown)?

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I went on Saturday morning and I felt things were very well organized. The med students helped quiet some of my anxiety and it was nice to have snacks and washroom breaks available q15min.The MMI was quick and painless, and only began to sting the day after. I'm glad that things went smoothly- most people seemed fairly content afterwards. Good luck to everyone who still has to interview.


Here come the longest six weeks of the year.



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What are the thoughts on the Mac interview videos?


I thought they were funny for the most part. One had an audio issue so couldn't really hear everything being said.


I was expecting some Alberta type skits but the music videos were still good.




Also, I was wondering what everyone thinks the avg. accepted GPA is going to be this year?


With the whole Verbal dealio, the GPA dropped from 3.89 to 3.81.


With CaSPER in, do people expect the GPA to stay the same, increase, or decrease?

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I actually had a really great time at the Mac interview (Saturday afternoon) and it really changed my opinion of the school. I had never been to Hamilton before and didn't really know anything about the school besides PBL and having heard from one physician that they felt that Mac med grads were "weak in the basic sciences." I was skeptical about the lack of lectures because it's what I'm used to but when I really thought about it, I don't learn much from listening in lecture and I do most of my learning from reading the material later anyway. Still skeptical about the regional campuses but overall, I would love to end up there!

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Also, I was wondering what everyone thinks the avg. accepted GPA is going to be this year?


With the whole Verbal dealio, the GPA dropped from 3.89 to 3.81.


With CaSPER in, do people expect the GPA to stay the same, increase, or decrease?


From a statistical perspective, less weighting on GPA would increase the likelihood that GPA will go down...especially considering that CASPer and GPA are reasonably unrelated. I'm saying GPA goes down further, but not as significantly as it did when verbal was introduced.

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From a statistical perspective, less weighting on GPA would increase the likelihood that GPA will go down...especially considering that CASPer and GPA are reasonably unrelated. I'm saying GPA goes down further, but not as significantly as it did when verbal was introduced.


I'm thinking the mean GPA might go down to about 3.75 at the most. It will likely stay between 3.75 and 3.79.

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