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Depression or just laziness?

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I'm in the middle of my undergraduate degree right now, and I've pretty much murdered my GPA due to my laziness. For the last two years, I have been frequently missing/skipping class. Even when I am awake and ready to leave, I start feeling anxious about leaving my room, and I just end up skipping.


When I try to study, I feel sleepy and tired. I sleep for abnormally long periods (sometimes more than 10 hours) and I feel unmotivated about anything academic related.


Recently, a close friend suggested that maybe I was suffering from SAD (seasonal affective disorder). I live in an apartment by myself, and the curtains are closed 24/7 (for privacy reasons), so she thought maybe I was depressed because I wasn't getting enough sunlight. At first I thought that this made sense, because I feel motivated during the summer and the fall, but once Oct/Nov hits, I just lose all my energy.


But the more I think about it, the more it feels like I'm just rationalizing my own laziness. I feel blue and anxious quite frequently, but not to the extent of feeling suicidal or wanting to cry all the time. And I don't seem to have as much trouble when doing things that aren't academic-related (e.g. volunteering).


So I guess what I wanted to ask was, do you guys think it's possible that I'm actually depressed, or am I just trying to find an excuse for being a lazy bum?

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It seems your problem has mostly to do with academics. Do you find yourself unmotivated in other areas of your life? Because if you are then you could be "depressed", however, if it just has to do with school then i think it is more of a lack of motivation/confidence thing.


It takes a lot of energy to succeed academically. You have to wake up, get ready, walk all the way to your class. Sit through boring classes. Come home and go over what you learned. Study long hours for exams. It's not easy, and it's especially hard to keep pushing yourself when you're not getting the results you want. Just remember why you're doing this in the first place, and try and see the point in all this. 5 years from now, you don't want to look back and say "i really should've tried to go to classes and do better in school".


Do you have any friends in class? Maybe you could get notes off someone or ask them to record the lecture for you, so you don't have to wake up. Try studying right when you wake up so you aren't as tired. Or start exercising and eating better, it will give you much more energy throughout your day, I guarantee it. Take vitamins, and get some sun!

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Small note, practice studying in new places. Coffee shops and things. Learn to focus on your work while there are distractions around you.

Two upsides:

-you'll be able to work in more environments if you learn to shut out external distractions

-you won't be shut in all the time and will probably feel better about school.



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Hey, I don't think anybody here on pm101 is really going to be able to help you out. Even if this isn't depression, it probably wouldn't hurt to go see your family doc or a counsellor. I know that counselling for students is often free if there are services on campus and you can walk right in most times. It can't hurt. If you are feeling unmotivated... maybe you don't like the material you are studying? But it does seem like there is something deeper going on.

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Generally I think that if you're worried enough about something to ask if you should be worried about it, it's probably a good idea to go and get a professional opinion from a counselor. It sounds like you definitely have some anxiety about school, and a counselor can help you find ways to deal with that.

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