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T-1 Month

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Hey guys/gals,


So somehow it's already April 05. With U of T's decision release date coming up on the same day next month I wanted to wish you all the best with decisions and dealing with any (and in some cases plenty) of anxiety.


So cheers to all of us who want to keep calling Toronto home, those who want to return home to Toronto after time spent elsewhere, and those who'd like to experience Toronto for the first time!


I'm sure it's been a long road to this point for most of us.

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Alright...so far we got writing a thesis...hardly productive since i haven't done the research, but definitely a good suggestion


warcraft...no comment....


and then...hibernation...WOULD be my number one tactic if not for the need to maintain my gainful employment


I think I'll keep reaaalllllllyyyyy busy (work + courses) and slip in some stuff I love in there. 4 weeks tomorrow!

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As much as I want to know whether I got into medicine, I wish time would move a little slower because this year is just zipping by and I want to enjoy it as much as possible. :) My fingers are crossed (as usual) for everyone on this forum. You all sound like good people and I hope that we can be classmates come fall. :)


While I wait to hear back, I plan on learning as much about Californian ecology as possible. I recently have discovered a small love for botany so hopefully that'll get me through the next month. The stars out here are amazing too :) Maybe I'll hike some trails.

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I dont know why Ontario schools release it on May 5th. Taking their sweet ass time >.< lol.


I wonder if it purposely coincides with the end of the typical undergraduate academic year. You know, so people don't slack off once they find out they're in. I know several people who were accepted into law school, that are now totally lax because "from here on, marks don't matter".

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I wonder if it purposely coincides with the end of the typical undergraduate academic year. You know, so people don't slack off once they find out they're in. I know several people who were accepted into law school, that are now totally lax because "from here on, marks don't matter".


Or...imagine if they didnt get in and had an exam coming up...im sure they want to protect that person from feeling depressed and possibly screwing up their exam.


The wait is indeed long....im praying for everyone :) maybe they'll surprise us and announce another 50 seats were added lol

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Ugh, I have to say the last 3 out of 4 nights have been terrible for sleep. I don't know for sure but have a strong suspicion that my subconscious is tearing through a storm now that decision release date is soon.


Guess that's what everyone goes through leading up to knowing whether their top choice wants them in return! I'm sure knowing I am most likely headed to the US in case of a rejection/WL and that personal life will be significantly different (in a bittersweet way) is taking a toll too.


Nevertheless, we are at April 17! Can anyone say 2.5 weeks? Yeah, that's right around the corner :eek:.

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Ugh, I have to say the last 3 out of 4 nights have been terrible for sleep. I don't know for sure but have a strong suspicion that my subconscious is tearing through a storm now that decision release date is soon.


Oh man...I'm right there with you. I have never had such a hard time sleeping in my life! And yet...I don't FEEL nervous....I'm more excited.


It's enough to drive ya crazy, eh?

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Oh man...I'm right there with you. I have never had such a hard time sleeping in my life! And yet...I don't FEEL nervous....I'm more excited.


It's enough to drive ya crazy, eh?


Good for you, since feeling excited or nervous doesn't influence your chances so might as well feel excited and make your life better while waiting! At least that's my take.


Unfortunately I've been riding an emotional subconscious roller coaster (if that makes any sense) these few days. The bad sleep probably doesn't help me study for my finals...:(

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