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Harvard medical school recruitment letter

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Hey I'm new to this forum so sorry if this has been brought up before, but I just wanted some opinions.


I recently received a recruitment letter from hms saying that my name was chosen from a minority/disadvantaged student list compiled by the aamc and that Harvard Is strongly encouraging me to apply for aug 2012 admissions. I guess I am considered a disadvantaged student (I am not a minority). So anyways, I called and the recruitment letter is based on my mcat score and the fact that I'm disadvantaged. My undergrad gpa is crap, but masters gpa is a 4.0, but I'm not sure how things are weighted when applying to the states for med school (I haven't even applied to med school in Ontario - where I live). Also, my mcat is no where near hms standards, but I guess it is sufficient if I'm disadvantaged.


Anyways, I'd just like to hear some opinions on this, or find out if anyone else got a recruitment letter from them. I just don't want to waste my time applying if I have no chance at all (I probably don't lol).

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The thing is.. I didnt even do that well on the mcat. not even close to Harvard standards (except I guess I did better than most in verbal). I wasn't thinking about applying to Harvard, but if I have even a slight chance I think I might.. I mean its freakin Harvard! Lol. I just thought it was so wierd that Harvard would recruit!

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Guest copacetic

medical school recruitment in the united states is not like medical school recruitment in canada. The schools exercise alot more agency in the united states and are more aggressive because they have to be (especially the private ones) if they want the best students. alot of schools will automatically send you a letter to apply to their school based solely on your MCAT and socieconomic and or minority status. in the united states GPA is not viewed the same as MCAT because it is not as objective. MCAT is seen as an more objective and more reliable as a predictor of a students potential and 33+ MCATs are viewed very highly. even when you get accepted alot of schools will have a second look to convince to matriculate to their school. they put you up in a hotel and feed you well and show off the city and their school tryinng to ensure they get the best students.


this is alot different than canada where the schools honestly dont give a damn cause they know the seats are very limited and its easier to get the best students. its a sellers market in canada, and a buyers market in the united states.

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