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how do YOU tie your shoe laces?


best way to tie your shoes?  

1 member has voted

  1. 1. best way to tie your shoes?

    • Loop
    • Bunny ears
    • Velcro ftw

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I use the loop method, but according to this TED talk that I watched yesterday, I've been doing it wrong my whole life. This will be a hard habit to break.



I use the loop method as well, but I tie the first knot reversed so my bow ends up correct (instead of doing the boe reverse, I do the knot reverse). I'd never seen that video, but I found out about it because my shoe laces were always coming untied! lol

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I do the loop method.

OP: It's not more complicated. In fact it's quicker and easier to do the loop than to make the second ear.


of course its more complicated.you have to twist your fingers and stuff to create a second loop. wth!!! you could just make two separate loops and tie them together.


but then again the majority of pm101 seems to use the loop method so i must be the one with cognitive problems lol

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I use the "tie my shoes once and keep the laces tight enough they won't fall off, but loose enough I can slip them on and off continuously" method.


And for my hockey skates I tie the extra laces in circles around the top of my skate/ankle.


OMG! Please do not tell me you do this with your skates!! That is SO bad for your ankles! Never mind you ablity to bend/push properly with your skates! When I see the little Canskaters I teach with this, I makes sure I retie their skates (this is almost as bad as the plastic "barbie/toy story" skates I see all the time :rolleyes:). If your laces are too long, PLEASE either double knot them, or leave them long (and get a shorter pair!)



I use bunny ears when I tie my shoes :o. Always have. Always will. I find it SO much easier than the loop method. Plus, I can get/keep it tighter using bunny ears when I tie my skates.

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OMG! Please do not tell me you do this with your skates!! That is SO bad for your ankles! Never mind you ablity to bend/push properly with your skates! When I see the little Canskaters I teach with this, I makes sure I retie their skates (this is almost as bad as the plastic "barbie/toy story" skates I see all the time :rolleyes:). If your laces are too long, PLEASE either double knot them, or leave them long (and get a shorter pair!)



I use bunny ears when I tie my shoes :o. Always have. Always will. I find it SO much easier than the loop method. Plus, I can get/keep it tighter using bunny ears when I tie my skates.


I think people learn one way, and the just sort of go with it haha. I learned the loop method really young, it was the only one I was taught. So I've always done it :o

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I use method #1. Plus a knot made by tying the two resulting loops together for extra security.

Had a friend who does the tie differently, about twice as fast as me lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKWL1md7Dv4

I tried to learn, but keep on forgetting


Yep, I do it the fast way. Took me about 30 min to learn (from a 5 year old summer camper that I was counselling, oddly enough) but never used the loop or bunny method after that. Its much faster, feels more natural and looks so much cooler

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Yep, I do it the fast way. Took me about 30 min to learn (from a 5 year old summer camper that I was counselling, oddly enough) but never used the loop or bunny method after that. Its much faster, feels more natural and looks so much cooler


the fast way is too mysterious for me lol after watching the video twice i was like wtffff...still not enough cognitive energy to waste on this XD

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I use the loop method, but I'm not sure if I've been doing it the right way or the wrong way. This year my shoelaces started to come apart more often, but they didn't when I first got the shoes. I can't see myself just randomly switching the way I do them. Then again lately they haven't fallen apart and when I pull the sides apart the knot aligns kind of on the transverse axis (it's kinda diagonal and doesn't really move now).

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