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Good TV show/movie to help learn french


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I just finished an introductory french course recently and would like to keep up my french education. One way of doing so that was suggested to me is to watch french TV shows or movies because it's interesting, entertaining and I can pick up some french in the process. It's also suppose to help keep you submersed in a french environment so to speak.


Any suggestions? French rock, pop, rap, songs are also welcome lol


PS: I already have good cop, bon cop:p

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Depending on how good your french is, you can watch your favourite DVD(s) in French with or without English or French subtitles (and as long as you don't mind the lips moving but the words not matching the way the lips are moving). Or you could see if you can find your favourite old cartoons in French. The French on there generally won't be too crazy (since it's a kid's show), so that might work too.


Also, if you have moderate French (depending how thorough your intro French class was) you can go to Chapters (or the library) and pick up some French kids books (or fairy tales) or easy novels (like Harry Potter). If it's a story you know, then you'll at least have the idea of what's going on. Keep in mind that books will be written in passe simple, so the verbs may be in forms you haven't seen (if you haven't covered passe simple), so it might be a good idea to have a French-English dictionary handy (or at least a good online version).


If you have a really good mastery of French you can delve into the more "French" books. Le Petit Prince is a decent novel, and much better in its original language imo. I started to read Le Scaphandre et le Papillion by Jean-Dominique Bauby (in English the novel is called The Diving Bell and the Butterfly) before I started uni years ago. I'd read it in English, and decided it might be a good read in French (and it was until studying got in the way). Really amazing that he wrote it by blinking.


Bonne chance!:)

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Si ton niveau en français est assez avancé pour que tu puisses suivre une émission de télévision, je te conseille le site internet www.tou.tv , c'est du contenu de la télévision de radio-canada et tout est en français. Je te conseille les pieds dans la marge , les invincibles et les parents. Sinon 19-2 semble être très bien et également, Minuit le soir est excellent !


Sinon, tu peux aussi louer quelques films québécois où tu pourrais mettre des sous titres pour mieux comprendre, surtout lorsque le dialogue se déroule vraiment rapidement.


Je te conseille :


a) Les sept jours du Talion


B) 5151 rue des ormes

c) Piché, entre ciel et terres


d) De père en flic


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  • 6 months later...

I would avoid things that are a little too quebecois, they have lots of french slang and a thick accent you may not be able to get/pick up on and may discourage you.

Start off with simple, small books like "le petit prince" or "Bonjour tristesse"


I'm trying so hard to think of easier books, I just can't cos I haven't been at that level for quite a while but I've always loved the books we read at school so it's a shame.


You can also try TFO, I loved watching this as a kid but then again I was younger so the kid shows were more my thing :P not sure if they have older shows.

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Si ton niveau en français est assez avancé pour que tu puisses suivre une émission de télévision, je te conseille le site internet www.tou.tv , c'est du contenu de la télévision de radio-canada et tout est en français. Je te conseille les pieds dans la marge , les invincibles et les parents. Sinon 19-2 semble être très bien et également, Minuit le soir est excellent !


Sinon, tu peux aussi louer quelques films québécois où tu pourrais mettre des sous titres pour mieux comprendre, surtout lorsque le dialogue se déroule vraiment rapidement.


Je te conseille :


a) Les sept jours du Talion


B) 5151 rue des ormes

c) Piché, entre ciel et terres


d) De père en flic



wow so cool they even have greys anatomy in french. I love!

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