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Not particularly, actually, because I have to stay inside and study all day. At least during the week I go to class and have a break. During the summer they are good though! :D


Do you eat peanut butter in public?


Yes, but I wash my hands thoroughly afterwards. Never know when you'll encounter someone who is allergic.


Do you like bugs?

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Hmm...I don't think so. There aren't any events where they are the favorites in I think


If you could have cuisine from one part of the world for the rest of your life, which would it be?


Japanese...and specifically sushi. Yum!


If you won a free trip, where would you go?

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I would go to the moon, i heard some british company takes ppl there




thoughts on men with facial hair? because i do not shave much during exams or when i am really busy


Don't like facial hair at all. Just does not appeal to me.


Open windows or A/C during the summer?

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Master Chief from the Halo series :D


Quiet, rainy evening or pleasant, sunny morning?


Umm. BOTH. If it is late evening I love sleeping with the window open at night to hear the rain. But sunny mornings are awesome and love waking up to them.


If you could live anywhere in Canada where would you live and why?

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